The first Buddhist radio channel in Sri Lanka, was launched on 27 January 2020 by the Ven.Weliweriya Gothami Mehenin Whanse, chief incumbant of the D.V.P. Wijesinghe Daham Sevana Saha Samma Sambodhi Bhavana Bharaya, Alubomulla, Panadura. Together with the launch of the Buddhist Radio channel, a YouTube channel was also launched the same day. The Ven. [...]


New Buddhist radio channel launched in Sri Lanka


Ven.Weliweriya Gothami Mehenin Wahanse at the launch of the Buddhist radio channel Pic by Ranjith Perera

The first Buddhist radio channel in Sri Lanka, was launched on 27 January 2020 by the Ven.Weliweriya Gothami Mehenin Whanse, chief incumbant of the D.V.P. Wijesinghe Daham Sevana Saha Samma Sambodhi Bhavana Bharaya, Alubomulla, Panadura.

Together with the launch of the Buddhist Radio channel, a YouTube channel was also launched the same day.

The Ven. Gothami Mehenin  Wahanse said the radio could be accessed googling the link ‘’ and the utube could be found googling shakya radio YouTube.

She said the channels were available 24 hours and added that they had also launched a mobile app, to enable both android and iphone users to access the radio experience of Dhamma programmes on their smartphones.

The programme to launch the radion broadcast was held under the patronage of Ven.Yattawatte Dhammananda Thero Chief incumbent of the Sri Maha Bodhi Viharaya at Bahirawakanda. The web radio offers quick and easy access to Dhamma programmes , meditation programmes, counselling for youth and children while offering a more comprehensive understanding of Buddhist practices.   Speaking to the Sunday Times Ven. Weliweriya Gothami Mehenin Wahanse said “we are excited about launching our new web radio.We believe that this new site will allow our visitors to have a very informative experience regarding Buddist teachings and will be a platform for Mehenin Wahanses living around the world. We are hopeful that we will be able to have a TV programme of our own one day” she said.

“This will provide an excellent opportunity for Mehenin Wahanses who don’t get any chance to express their opinions.

“Apart from the web radio, we will conduct ‘Sil programmes’ at the Bahirawa Kanda Viharaya to motivate more people to observe Sil she added.

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