How it all unfolded

“The territory ceded by the Dutch was from 1797 to 1802 placed under the English East India Company, and formed a part of the territory of the Government of Madras until 1802, when Ceylon was created a Crown Colony. In 1815 the British Government declared war on the last king of Kandy. His mis-government had [...]
Romesh returns with a poetic ode to friendship

Set in a torpid Colombo with the government in disarray, schools closed, and a red striped milk bar serving ‘Chocolac’ the only hangout for even the Colombo Seven kids, Suncatcher is Romesh Gunesekera’s poignant new novel- a coming of age story which deals with friendship. Last week, London-based Romesh was back in Colombo for the [...]
Letters to the Editor

Come Tuesday, let the National Anthem be sung in both languages The LLRC recommendation 8.296 states: “On the question of the National Anthem, the practice of the National Anthem being sung simultaneously in two languages to the same tune must be maintained and supported. Any change in the practice at the present time would only [...]
A doyen of the public service Shelton Wanasinghe Born on June 16, 1926 in Seeduwa, Shelton Wanasinghe was educated at St. Mary’s College, Negombo. He graduated from the University of Ceylon (1943-1946). He married Ruby and they had two children-Mala and Jayani. Jayani, a dear friend of my eldest daughter married Upali Amarasiri, a student [...]
It’s back! That evergreen Green Cabin

Since its inception in 1884, Green Cabin had been a favourite spot for countless Sri Lankans spanning five generations; so there was collective dismay when the restaurant in its original form shut down on July 31, last year. Everyone had their favourite dish, from their hot hot hoppers to Lamprais to their ultra popular Pineapple [...]
Ikebana Society’s Paradise in Bloom
The Members of Shien Ikebana and Floral Arts Society (SIFAS) will present ‘Paradise in Bloom’ their annual floral art exhibition on February 8 & 9 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Ruby Hall of the Marino Beach Hotel, Colombo 3. A limited number of tickets will be available at the entrance. Singaporean floral [...]
There’s never a dull moment at this centre

A day packed to the brim with lessons, activity, recreation, therapy and vocational training. Just before a bell announces the start of the timetable, we too are at the National Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy and Other Developmental Disorders (NCCCPDD) in Kalapaluwawe, Rajagiriya to see the day taking shape, making major changes in the [...]
Born out of a young mother’s courage, this Trust reaches out in many ways

Indira Jayasuriya was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. However, being the fighter she was, she recovered after a series of chemotherapy sessions. Her cancer resurfaced during her second pregnancy, and determined to survive for the sake of her children, she delayed her treatment until her son was born. Sadly, she passed away in 2016. [...]