Children of a lesser God
Pix and text by - Rekha Tharangani Fonseksa
Unfortunately among poorer sections world-wide this rule is often observed in the breach.
Children from our fisher community are among those to whom these ILO rules do not apply.
Young children often join their parents to draw in the catch, beach incoming boats and separate the catch.
Families also involve young children in performing minor chores such as collecting fish from the nets as well as using them as roadside vendors.
Children from the fishing community are often used to improve the family economy, as well as to give the youngsters a hands-on experience such as going out to sea!
Children below the age of five can be seen collecting fish from the nets of incoming boats. A number of them skip school to help their parents.
Sadly at a time children need parental love or should be studying, these children are being used to enhance the family income.
The law that all children below the age of 16 should attend school on a regular basis does not apply to this community.

How will we feed our famiies? the catch is small and times are difficult.

Fathers mothers and children will be soon involved in collecting the fish caught up in the nets

It seems like fun, but these young boys really need to be in school

A little girl watches as the boats are dragged ashore

This child should be in school, but, his help is needed to keep the wolf from the door.