Stat Con 1.0: A guide for careers in Statistics
View(s):Did you know that statistics is not just a bunch of formulas and solutions? Today the uses and applications of statistics have reached a sky-high level, specially in many different fields like medical statistics, bioinformatics, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and even in actuarial science. The beauty of statistics is that it is very important to almost all the other subjects, including economics, biology and other natural sciences.
Common misconception among the community is that the only available career path in fields like mathematics and statistics is just academics. Of course, that is not true at all. There are so many important applications of statistics in the industry. Statistical and machine learning models to predict various diseases is just one of the applications in the field of medical statistics.
Building models to predict credit card defaults and sales of a company are two applications in the banking and commercial sector. These are just few of the applications of statistics in the industry. Now a lot of businesses implement machine learning and AI techniques to optimize their business decisions and statistics lie in the very core of these techniques.
Stat Con 1.0 is an event organized for the first time by the Stat Circle, a society formed by the students of the Department of Statistics in the University of Colombo. It is held as a part of Stat Day 2020.
Stat Day 2020 is the most awaited event in the Stat Circle calendar and this year it will be held under the theme of ‘’Statistics, a hidden force in AI’’. So, if you are a student in G.C.E. Advanced Level physical science stream or an undergraduate of Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, hoping to get an idea about various career paths that lie in your future, then Stat Con 1.0 will be highly beneficial for you.
Stat Con 1.0 will be held on the 25th of March in the FGS Auditorium, College house of University of Colombo. It is a Statistics Awareness Programme conducted for the G.C.E. Advanced Level students in the physical science stream and the undergraduates of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, to share insight on various career paths in statistics. Aim of Stat Con 1.0 is to educate the future generation about different careers they can follow in, not just in academics but in various other fields as well.
At this event many distinguished professionals from the industry will share their experiences and thoughts on several careers related to statistics, including medical statistics, data analysis, finance, academics, banking and insurance.
Therefore, do not miss this invaluable opportunity to get a very thorough idea about various career paths in statistics. See you all on the 25th of March at Stat Con 1.0.
-Sekha Daluwatumulle-