Home » ColumnsLet us get rid of COVID-19 together!
My dear citizens of Paradise, I thought of writing to you because these are unprecedented times which we have never seen before, even though this land of ours has seen many, many disasters both man-made and natural. While we have overcome most of those calamities, this might be our most challenging test as yet. It [...]
Coronavirus: Political physicians’ prescriptions put patients in peril

For many decades, Sri Lankans have displayed their ingenuity at historic moments even if what they said or did bordered on insanity. Some 65 years ago, an ayurvedic physician cum astrologer, came out with a recipe for a cocktail that would make dark women turn white. This was when the sun, moon and the earth [...]
Around the world in eighty days, the virus that knows no borders

Today it is heartening to note China beating its breasts and exclaiming proudly Wuhan has finally laid to rest the deadly virus it once spawned, bred and spread to the rest of the world. But is it too early to open the bubbly? Too early to give Wuhan a clean bill of health? The bat [...]
Corona crisis: When curfews toll the knell
Pre-revolution France is noted for an infamous saying attributed to its last Queen, Marie Antoinette. Who was around to record it or actually heard the words nobody really knows. If the irascible President Trump had a say in it he would he would call it fake news and blame some quizzical journalist for creating this [...]
Coping with economic consequences of corona pandemic

The containment of the humanitarian tragedy that is unfolding must get precedence before the world economy is restored to normalcy.The economic consequences of the corona pandemic (Covid19) could be effectively resolved in Sri Lanka only after the virus is contained the world over. Until then the government must adopt policies that would mitigate the economic [...]
On political sins committed during the covid-19 panic

A global health pandemic is not the time for political upmanship. It is also the worst time to engage in fragrant violations of justice in the exploitative belief that the uproar therein would be muted when the citizenry is in survivalist mode. At any point, this would be abhorrent but to do so during a [...]
Corona pandemic: Basil as special envoy heads 40-member task force
Optimism that Covid-19 could be controlled soon to lift the curfew and set the scene for May 30 elections Ranil holds one-on-one talks with PM to discuss reconvening of Parliament; but several ruling party leaders oppose it Efforts by a section of the opposition to re-convene Parliament amidst the globally spreading Covid-19 pandemic proved futile [...]
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