A lesson for all school children

A student spends her time on studies at home after the early closure of schools due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. A picture captured in karuwalagaswewa of the Puttalam district. Pic by Jayarathna Wickramaarchchi
Education, Higher education activities to move forward with education task force
Ensuring the operation of examination activities and the students’ curriculum after clearing the backlog of work that had occurred due to the recent interruptions to primary, secondary and tertiary education activities, will be among the main tasks assigned to the 26 member Presidential education task force. The ‘Presidential task force on Sri Lanka’s education affairs’ [...]
Deadline for university admission extended
Those waiting to apply for university admission will have to wait for two weeks after schools in the country reopen, the University Grants Commission (UGC) said this week. The UGC had decided to extend the deadline for the calling of university admission applications for the academic year 2019/2020 based on the results of the 2019 [...]
GCE O/L results to be released before April 30
The Examinations Commissioner General will seek the advice of the health and medical authorities to inquire on how the 2019 G.C.E. (O/L) results will be released. Examinations Commissioner General Sanath Pujitha said this is in view of avoiding students gathering at one location when the results are released. The results are expected to be released [...]
Working from home…make it impactful

Let’s accept the reality. Covid-19 is just a flu type virus but it is very corrosive in nature. At at the 18th March Sri Lanka has 51 cases confirmed. If a country crosses the 100 mark on Covid- 19, the diffusion of cases to reach a 1000 mark takes 5-7 days as per behavioral studies [...]
Prepare for the future with only European MBA – BBA TOPUP Degree with 100% online + distance + blended learning options

With the most recent COVID19 outbreak many students are looking for Online – Distance = Blended learning degree programs and the demand for such programs are growing in popularity as more and more people wish to further their education and careers, but must manage their commitments of work and family life. Online/distance/blended learning programs allow [...]
International Updates
Due to the ongoing uncertainty with regards to Covid-19, the Universities have taken the decision to suspend all face to face teaching delivered via lectures and seminars from Monday 23rd March until end of the semester on Friday May 1st. We have emailed our student community to inform them of this. Teaching continued as normal [...]
International Updates
Due to the ongoing uncertainty with regards to Covid-19, the Universities have taken the decision to suspend all face to face teaching delivered via lectures and seminars from Monday 23rd March until end of the semester on Friday May 1st. We have emailed our student community to inform them of this. Teaching continued as normal [...]
Working from home…make it impactful

Let’s accept the reality. Covid-19 is just a flu type virus but it is very corrosive in nature. At at the 18th March Sri Lanka has 51 cases confirmed. If a country crosses the 100 mark on Covid- 19, the diffusion of cases to reach a 1000 mark takes 5-7 days as per behavioral studies [...]
Prepare for the future with only European MBA – BBA TOPUP Degree with 100% online + distance + blended learning options

With the most recent COVID19 outbreak many students are looking for Online – Distance = Blended learning degree programs and the demand for such programs are growing in popularity as more and more people wish to further their education and careers, but must manage their commitments of work and family life. Online/distance/blended learning programs allow [...]
Universities form global network to coordinate on climate change

Several dozen of the world’s top universities have teamed up to press for action on climate change, saying the coronavirus pandemic should not erase attention on the dangers of a warming world. The International Universities Climate Alliance (IUCA), unveiled on 2 April, showcases climate change research from 40 universities in 18 countries across six continents. The group includes institutions with [...]
ANC tackles Covid-19 switching to 100% Online Teaching Platform

We believe in empowering our students whether they are in the class room or in the comfort of their homes. ANC Education the leading transnational institute tackles the global pandemic Covid-19 by switching to a fully online teaching platform. ANC students are provided with live interactive online Lecture sessions; online Lecture notes; online Quizzes and [...]
SIST collaborates with Prestigious Lincoln University College to bring Novel Degree Programmes to Sri Lanka

The Spectrum Institute of Science & Technology (SIST) is the pioneering life sciences institute in Sri Lanka providing young aspiring students an opportunity to study globally recognized degree programmes in Sri Lanka. Stepping into its 19th year of academic excellence, SIST marks yet another milestone by collaborating with the prestigious Lincoln University College (LUC), Malaysia. [...]
Safeguarding Sri Lankan Students in UK

The situation of Sri Lankan students abroad varies from location, school and other factors (the density of COVID-19 patients in the area, for instance.) Where I am based, we’ve had 6 student cases so far and a handful in the locality. UK undergraduate and post-graduate students have been asked to return home and international students [...]
JUMP ONLINE with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Insearch Sri Lanka
As part of the University of Technology Sydney, the students and staff of UTS Insearch Sri Lanka are part of Australia’s No. 1 Young University’s innovative response to being unable to attend on campus classes at the moment. So, what do we do? We JUMP ONLINE Our new ‘online’ semester commenced on 30 March with [...]
University Education and Corona Virus

The Covid-19 outbreak is an unprecedented public health crisis. Yet it has also exposed the worst in university administrations across the world. The pandemic has understandably caught most universities off guard. Yet in the US and the UK, mixed signals and conflicting advice from different levels of academic administrations have left students feeling forsaken and [...]
Corona and the Economy
The upcoming recession is inevitable. There will be no identified solution to the issue as increased social distancing would lead to shrinkage in activity levels – consumption – in return reduced GDP. The virus outbreak has disrupted manufacturing supply chains and sharply curtailed energy and commodity demand. What was previously a manufacturing-only recession has now [...]
Coronavirus- Challenges and Opportunities for Bright Days Ahead
Social Entrepreneur and Executive Director of Rainbow Institute of Communication, Manique Mendis, shares her experience in working at home though the pandemic The coronavirus monster has cast gloom around all parts of the globe. We in Sri Lanka are grappling with this unprecedented situation in our own way. Our vocabulary is enriched with new words- [...]
Northshore Campus held its first Board of Governors meeting

Northshore Campus held its first Board of Governors meeting on the 03rd of March to exchange views and discuss its highly ambitious plans for the future to be a top ranked higher educational institute in the country for graduate employability, academic and research excellence. Its dynamic Board of Governors, headed by VC and CEO Prof. [...]
Covid-19 could be a curse for graduates but a boon for universities

The Covid-19 crisis means a huge downturn in economic activity. A few sectors are growing, as people use more technology and swap to bigger supermarket shops, but most organisations of all shapes and sizes are taking a massive hit. We seem to be heading inevitably into a deep global recession. Sadly, if you leave education [...]
Student applications rise for midyear and 2021

Enforced idleness may have spurred Australians’ interest in university study, with early signs of a spike in second term enrolments. Southern Cross University (SCU) says applications for its midyear undergraduate intake are more than 10 per cent higher than at the same point last year, three months ahead of the start of second trimester classes. SCU [...]
Most guranteed Medical Degree Pathway

Becoming a Medical Practitioner is/maybe the most popular career goal that many have. Future doctors nurture their passion for helping others before applying for a Medical school. Medicine is also a versatile field that can be studied anywhere in the world, so you have a variety of choices at your disposal. However, since it’s a decision [...]
Australian university executives relinquish pay as coronavirus bites

Senior executives at Melbourne’s La Trobe University have opted to take a pay cut, as the institution confronts the loss of at least one-seventh of its revenue. The university has announced that members of its 12-strong senior executive group will forfeit 20 per cent of their income from late April until at least early July, with the [...]
Most prospective overseas students ‘not shifting plans’

But data suggest that students’ views on study abroad are changing by the week as a result of pandemic The majority of prospective international students have not yet changed their study plans because of the coronavirus outbreak, but those who have are split on whether to postpone their studies or enrol in an online course, according to [...]
Distance learning education through Channel Eye and Nethra TV
The Channel Eye and Nethra TV channels under Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation will be converted into education channels to enable distance learning for students during the COVID-19 outbreak. Cabinet approval for this purpose was granted this week. Accordingly Channel Eye will host education programmes in Sinhala, while Nethra TV will do so in the Tamil.
2020 GCE A/Ls and Grade five scholarship exams not postponed
No decision had been taken to postpone this year’s GCE Advanced Level Examination, Education Minister Dullas Alahapperuma said at a media briefing held this Wednesday. The minister said students sitting for the 2020 GCE A/Level examination had faced two unfortunate situations which severely affected their education within one year. One was last year’s Easter Sunday [...]
SLIIT Convocation 2020 marks celebration of New Beginnings for Graduates
Sri Lanka’s premier higher education institute, SLIIT, held its Convocation 2020 at the SLIIT Campus Malabe. The ceremony organised over four days from 25th-28th February, marked the celebration of new beginnings for over 1200 students who received their Bachelor’s, Master’s degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas. Each session was graced by an eminent personality. Dr. Sunil Jayantha [...]
ANC Branch Campus Colombo Students reap the best of higher education, work and life with SQA Advanced Diploma Program

The ANC Branch Campus Colombo established in 2018 has attracted hundreds of students in just two years with their higher education programs offered under one roof from Advanced Diploma to Top-up degrees. ANC Branch Campus Colombo offers Advanced Diploma Programs by Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) which are widely recognized around the world as being the equivalent [...]
How to study at home during coronavirus

Although university learning has been moving online for a while in light of the coronavirus crisis, this wasn’t the experience most envisaged. For others, though, it was their first choice. We asked online learners and tutors for their tips on how to make it work. Create a study area … Although you may be competing [...]
NO worries & No delays as ANC is fully Online to serve your higher studies after O/Levels

During these uncertain times there is no need for Parents and students to worry or delay on pursuing their higher studies. ANC Education was quick to offer a solution for students to continue their higher studies without any hindrance or delays during this Covid-19 crisis by switching to the online teaching platform. ANC is now [...]
Universities turn to e-learning and self-learning facilities amidst COVID-19 outbreak
While the COVID-19 outbreak had caused immense disruption to academic activities throughout the country, state universities are using existing e-learning resources and introducing new technologies to enable students to engage in studies remotely. About 125, 000 internal students are currently studying at state-run universities across the country. Many of these universities had already begun conducting [...]
Covid-19 Pandemic & your Medical University Dream

In wake of the COVID-19 pandemic students who was to sit for their GCSE, Cambridge and Edexcel A/L examination and students who had already applied to university, who wished to enter medical college abroad and in Sri Lanka is left with more questions than answers. When will COVID-19 pandemic end? How are SLMC recognized medical [...]
International Students in USA

Colleges and universities pressed U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to get the $14 billion earmarked for higher education in last week’s $2 trillion CARES Act stimulus package to institutions quickly. “This crisis is causing massive disruption to students, institutional operations and institutional finances. On some campuses, it is creating an existential threat, potentially resulting in [...]