Tips on being mindful while staying at home
With the call to stay at home to help support efforts to curb the spread of the COVID 19 virus we’ve all been called to be mindful of our actions. Here are just a few of them that will help keep ourselves and those around us safe.
TIP #1 :- Practice good hygiene habits and follow the necessary precautions provided to combat the spreading virus.
Hundreds of procedures and guidelines have been issued by the government and the WHO with regard to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As citizens, it is our responsibility to follow the guidelines as expected. Our actions would work in favor of us at this time of public health emergencies.
TIP #2 :- Stand against stigmatization
Since the day the virus came to light, many began pointing fingers. From tourists to our very own government authorities. Human kind has forgotten that they play a stronger role as citizens than any other authority. Let’s not stigmatize those around us and let’s’ not get played by circulating social media messages or memes.
TIP #3 :- Refrain from Panic buying and be thoughtful about your purchases.
Curfew is being reimposed and lifted frequently due to the prevailing situation of the country. Thereby all families are trying to stock up, however, we need to give thought to low income families. As mentioned before this is the time for ‘Unity’. By purchasing what we need and leaving for others we can help to support those who are finding it difficult during this time. Being disciplined through your purchases could be a turning point as a responsible citizen.
TIP #4 :- Support the country’s very own superheroes and the decision of the authorities
Sri Lanka Tri-force and Police along with health authorities,together, are working very hard towards the country’s well being. We grumble for the time of self isolation but during this hot weather they sacrifice their health for our safety. During imposed curfew there have been thousands of those who violate the law. By uniting silently and staying at home each of us lends support to preventing the further spread of the virus. This is our time as Sri Lankans to show unity and respect.
TIP #5 :- Use this time wisely
‘Self Quarantine’ and ‘Self Isolation’ is not bad as it sounds, if you use it wisely. It is also the shorter form of ‘Self Solidarity.’ Use this time to spend with family and reconnect with those whom you haven’t had the time for. Learn a new skill, or follow an online course. Once this time is through you would be all the richer for it.