Reopening of universities addressed
Higher Education Minister Bandula Gunawardena along with UGC Chairman Prof Sampath Amaratunga addressing a press conference on reopening universities.
UGC to consult medical experts before taking decision on reopening universities
The University Grants Commission (UGC) is to have a round of consultations with medical consultants, to take a final decision regarding the reopening of universities. Among the issues to be considered will be, the health precautions that need to be taken and the manner the universities should be reopened, UGC Chairman Prof Sampath Amaratunga said. [...]
CTU says online classes and homework unfair for under-privileged school children
The Education Ministry’s efforts to teach the school syllabi online failed to reach the rural students who do not have internet facilities, the Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) declared this week. CTU General Secretary Joseph Stalin said the online studies conducted during the COVID-19 outbreak are very discriminatory as some rural people cannot afford such luxuries for their [...]
Telephone service introduced to assist O/L students with subject related questions
The Education Ministry had taken the initiative to introduce a special telephone service for school children facing the GCE Ordinary Level Examinations this year, to assist them with any questions they may have with their subjects. Upon the request made by the Ministry, Dialog Axiata together with the Postal and Telecommunications Commission and other telecommunication [...]
Island-wide book writing competition for schoolchildren
With nearly 43,000 schoolchildren at home due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, the Education Ministry has collaborated with the Sri Lanka National Library and taken the initiative to launch an island-wide programme of writing 10,000 books with the aim of developing these children’s mental strength, creativity and their ability of overcoming challenges. The children were [...]
Highest ranked Psychology and early Childhood Education Degree for monthly fee Rs 15,000/- onwards

Become a Professional in Early Childhood Education | Become an Expert in Human Mind and Psychology With the current COVID19 pandemic situation Online education has gained newfound attention among many students, parents and educators. However online education has been in existence for more than several decades in North America and Europe and has become an [...]
Researchers weigh return to labs on non-coronavirus work

Research organisations across Europe are quietly planning how scientists can continue lab-based work on experiments that are not part of the fight against coronavirus as they weigh the long-term health costs of delaying projects against the immediate need to stop infections. Their overwhelming priority remains tackling the virus through research and keeping academics safe and [...]
Pearson’s world class e-Library Solutions now in Sri Lanka
24/7 access Access through digital devices; laptop, tab or mobile phone Access from within and outside of the campus – from home or on the move over 30,000 user accesses created in Sri Lanka since 2017 Revolutionizing the access to books and traditional physical libraries, Pearson, the world leading education company offers e library solutions [...]
Be Smart, don’t waste time: Start your U.S Degree after O/levels with ANC

Starting your Childs higher studies right after O/Levels provides a tremendous advantage and that is how smart parents are giving their Child a head start in life. Higher studies are the first step to shaping your child’s personal and professional dreams at a young age. Gone are the days of spending two years of doing [...]
How can YOU help your kid study?
The fact that COVID-19 has interrupted our way of life is an unavoidable fact. We, of course, make do. We are all getting used to a new sense of normalcy. It is important that we stay safe. But your child’s education is just as important. With the sudden closure of schools, your child is largely [...]
Study Medicine at Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU), Armenia

Is your medical dream halted due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic? One of Europe’s pioneering universities Yerevan State Medical University located in Armenia offers Sri Lankan students guaranteed secure admission to YSMU in awake of COVID-19 pandemic. Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) is the Soviet Union’s first medical university, the largest and most prestigious medical [...]
Saegis Campus facilitates the students with online teaching sessions
Considering the outbreak of Covid-19 in the country and the temporary suspension of face to-face teaching and learning from the 14th March 2020 , Saegis Campus has made necessary preparations with online lectures, assignments, counseling and career guidance until further notice. As the leader in international higher education in Sri Lanka, Saegis Campus has always [...]
Learning styles are fake news
Before “fake news”, we used to think that demonstrating the falsity of a claim consigned it to irrelevance for all but a delusional fringe. But perhaps it is time to accept that myths persist and mutate as malignantly as viruses. Academic research can have its own myths. Education research certainly does. Perhaps the most pervasive [...]
The Silver Lining
As we get daily updates of death counts and new cases, it is easy to let the negativity of the world overcome us and drag us down. Our friends and family complain about the hardships of staying in isolation, and news updates us of the lack of food and the hardships people are going through. [...]
Excelsia College: Championing professional leaders for the future

With almost 200 higher education colleges across Australia alone, making the right choice can be an overwhelming and daunting decision. Thankfully, Excelsia College exists to provide quality Higher Education courses to hundreds of domestic and international students from across the globe, including students from Sri Lanka. Having a strong educational ethos firmly built into its [...]
How to have fun with studying
Studying from home can be difficult. You have more distractions than you would have at school. Let’s be honest; self studying can be boring at times. There’s so many ways you can spend your time instead. And if you are learning using an online platform, the temptation to let your attention wander is too much [...]
Things to Keep You Busy in Lock-Down
As rewatchable as ‘Friends’ are, the trick to staying positive is going to be keeping things fresh. If cabin fever is hitting in, it is important to have regular things to look forward to. Music If a party of one would make you smile, follow ‘the_travelling_dj’ for weekly quarantine house parties! Some other personal favourites [...]
Exciting opportunity to study medicine at the University of Aberdeen

The University of Aberdeen, the UK’s fifth oldest university, was founded in 1495 by William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen and Chancellor of Scotland. In 1497 the University of Aberdeen was first in the English-speaking world to create a chair of medicine. We are currently ranked in the top 30 UK universities (Complete University Guide 2020) [...]
Creating an income for yourself post-pandemic

Impact of Covid-19 on the global business market The Covid-19 pandemic has drastic effects on the global business market. The pandemic has directly and indirectly affected multiple sectors resulting towards severe consequences impacting the people, companies and the country. Due to the given restrictions and limitations of operations, businesses have been compelled to halt or [...]
Studying with Yorkville University ‘One of the most rewarding challenges you will ever undertake’– Rick Davey, President
Yorkville University is a Canadian University with a national presence. The university offers practitioner-oriented master’s, bachelor’s and diploma programs leading to professional careers that are personally rewarding and contribute to the betterment of society. Yorkville University provides challenging academic content delivered by faculty members who are professionally engaged in their fields of knowledge, possess the [...]
Let’s Redesign Sri Lanka? – Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel

As the Covid-19 story unfolds, as we try to live with the realized new reality and as the new normal is coming into our lives, as we try to find answers to questions such as who spread the virus first and who made the virus or if it came from another planet etc, there are [...]
ANC- UWL MBA Programs continue to facilitate students’ learning with the Blackboard Virtual Learning Platform

ANC School of Postgraduate Education with the support of University of West London, The No.1 Business School in UK (Times Higher Education Awards 2019) effectively tackled the challenges posed by Covid-19 pandemic and swiftly adopted to the Blackboard Virtual Learning platform right from the onset. At a time when the entire world is going through [...]
Tips from NCHS on Staying safe as Global coronavirus cases exceed two million

Global restrictions have been put in place to curb the rise of COVID- 19. As governments do their part, it is essential that all citizens rise to the occasion and do our part as well. While we all have heard of the importance of wearing masks, washing hands and not touching our faces, Nawaloka College [...]
UCL – Sri Lanka’s Guaranteed Pathway to the Prestigious Monash University

Monash University is the only Top 100 University in the World and Group of Eight University in Australia to offer guaranteed pathways programmes in Sri Lanka. Monash University is ranked among the top one per cent of universities worldwide, and consistently listed as a preferred source of graduates by companies the world over. Monash University, found [...]
Take up a challenging career to live the life of your dreams

Join AAH for a Dream Career in Hospitality Management/Commercial Cookery For many of us, owning your own hospitality business or taking up a managerial role in an international Hotel Chain is one of those dreams. We at AAH will help you make your dreams come true. Remember to take time to enjoy the dream, with [...]
Traits to focus on Post Covid-19

Sri Lanka’s economic growth which was 2.6% in 2019 will drop down to a 0.5% in 2020 is the latest estimate coming coming in from World Bank. However, the reality in the business world is that we must be focussed to the industry that we are operating in and develop sharp strategies to keep the [...]
Australian HE relief package takes domestic focus

Australia’s government will guarantee higher education teaching grants at last year’s levels to help the sector weather the economic impact of Covid-19. Canberra will also waive regulatory and loan fees in a move designed particularly to help private tertiary education colleges. And it will bankroll short online micro-credentials in nursing, teaching, health, information technology and [...]
Resonance of A Timeless Art- The Unsung Legacy of Architecture Reiterated by The City School of Architecture

The world never lacks inspiring monumental buildings. Viewers stare in awe, but those who visualized the architectural wonders tend to become an afterthought. Frank Lloyd Wright claimed that “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.” As emphasized, an Architect should be able to able to ‘cater to the moment’ at [...]
Adequate is enough – and some days we won’t manage even that

“All staff must be logged in by 8am to indicate readiness to work.” “I know you’re off sick, but can you work from the sofa?” “This online syllabus for next term needs to be completed in a fortnight.” “Let’s finish our outstanding papers during this free time!” “Daily activity reports must be filed by 7pm [...]
Learning continues with Room to Read despite COVID-19

School holidays are an exciting and relaxing time for all youngsters. While it is time away from school, holidays are also a great way to learn skills and knowledge through activities such as playing outdoors, visiting places etc. However, the recent COVID- 19 pandemic has confined children into their homes, restricting their learning and interaction, [...]
UK universities have come together to maintain quality standards during this crisis

Students of 2020 are being asked to show extraordinary resilience, flexibility and self-discipline as the world battles the Covid-19 outbreak. Through no fault of their own and amid real uncertainty, they find themselves having to quickly adapt to a new way of working. Universities too have adapted their practices to enable students to keep learning, [...]
Asian International School Reopens For The New School Term Online On 20Th April

Overcoming the challenges of social distancing posed by COVID-19, Asian International School will commence its new school term on 20th April 2020. Both students and teachers are excited to get back to class “online” through teams which have been set up using Microsoft Office 365. Microsoft Office 365 is a platform that facilitates the setting [...]
Has the leap online changed higher education forever?

Online platforms threw many universities a lifeline, but the experience could well change how they and their students view the learning experience. By March 2020, the colossal scale of the coronavirus pandemic was clear. Universities around the world quickly closed campuses to protect their students and staff and to slow the spread of the virus. [...]