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Some apps to help you meet up virtually

The implications of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 are seen in almost every country around the world. Businesses of all shapes and sizes have found themselves on lockdown with employees requested to work from home. Now to some, working from home may sound like a dream come true. You can wake up when you want, work [...]
Dananja Aloysius’s little piece of heaven
If a picture paints a thousand words. Then music must paint a million.Music offers a mix of all kinds of styles and colours and is the ethos behind Dananja Aloysius’s new album, “Kage Goes To Heaven”. The album is set for release on Labour day (May 1). As a musician Dananja’s style has always been [...]
Mass Damnation release ‘Turmoil’

The enforced curfews have restricted movement and impacted the daily lives of everyone. However, local heavy metal giants Mass Damnation didn’t allow the lockdowns to keep them from recording their upcoming album, the band decided to go ahead and release one of their completed tracks, ‘Turmoil’. ‘Turmoil’ is the second single off their upcoming album. [...]