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Nallur woman’s corona husband tale backfires

Nallur woman’s corona husband tale backfires

The coronavirus outbreak forces people to make some difficult choices to ensure their safety, and sometimes to avoid troubles, too. One such incident happened in Nallur, Jaffna on Wednesday, when an insurance company agent visited a residence to collect the monthly installment. The wife of the policy holder told the representative that her husband was [...]

Polls date: Opposition parties to move Supreme Court

Polls date: Opposition parties to move Supreme Court

Fissures in Election Commission; Chairman Deshapriya at odds with Commissioner member Hoole Govt. rules out reconvening of Parliament but coming  weeks will be challenging Basil to lead Task Force to deal with economic matters as well If not for Ratnajeevan Hoole, a member of the Election Commission (EC), parliamentary elections would have been gazetted for May [...]

Elections: Caught between a rock and a hard place

Elections: Caught between a rock and a hard place

My dear Gota maamey, I know you are very busy these days dealing with this coronavirus menace, but I thought I should still write to you, what with all this fuss and bother about whether we should have elections as quickly as possible or not. It is sure to be an issue that will not [...]

The perilous state of the Sri Lankan economy

The perilous state of the Sri Lankan economy

The Sri Lankan economy is in a perilous state. Most economic activities have ground to a halt in the last month and their reactivation is uncertain. The country’s external finances are in a critical condition and require immediate international assistance. Collapse Nearly all economic activities, with the exception of agriculture, have been adversely affected. Manufacturing [...]

An attorney’s arrest as democracy sleeps amidst a pandemic

It is no coincidence that the increasingly not-so-insidious growth of Sri Lanka’s anti-democracy virus, first reflected on in these column spaces last month, has kept apace with the exponential rise of coronavirus infected individuals in the last ten days. As transparency diminishes, so does accountability. This is so in relation to pandemic controls of testing, [...]

Unmasking another side of corona

Unmasking another side of corona

There are other sides to this corona tragedy that have remained buried in government statements and political obfuscation. From London to Colombo, debate on this unprecedented human tragedy has been obscured because an essential ingredient of democratic governance has been absent at a critical time. In London, the House of Commons has just emerged from [...]

COVID’s ominous vigil over the gated nation

COVID’s ominous vigil over the gated nation

Just when the Government had thought it safe on Sunday to unlock the gated nation and return a semblance of normalcy to the land, since the dreaded coronavirus seemed to have been held at bay and kept at a comfortably safe arm distance as the stagnant body count and tiny trickle of patients showed, the [...]

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