World Vision launches $2.3 m COVID-19 Response Phase II
Dry rations being distributed.
World Vision Lanka has launched its second phase of the COVID-19 Emergency Response amounting to US$2.3 million.
The second phase will focus on food security and livelihood, health and hygiene, and child protection and education of the most vulnerable families in 16 districts, the organisation said in a media release.
“COVID-19, we fear, will have a huge impact on the poorest, and the most vulnerable, families. This emergency cannot only affect their health, but also push these families into poverty and further vulnerability. World Vision’s second phase of the response will focus on supporting them to stay resilient, rebuild and recover,” said Dr. Dhanan Senathirajah, National Director, World Vision Lanka.
“Our main target groups would be women-headed households with low-income levels, people with disability who are economically poor, economically deprived families – those who depended on daily wages and who have lost their livelihood, families with children under five who are nutritionally at risk and the vulnerable elderly,” Dr. Senathirajah said.
The statement said World Vision Lanka’s livelihood interventions will align with the Government’s programme for food security. Home gardening will be promoted to increase household food security and to ensure that the nutritional needs of children are met. Food or Cash-grant Assistance (FCA) will be provided to selected families to support the recovery of livelihoods.
In terms of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), all WASH activities will focus on children, their families, and the communities through the provision of handwashing stations in schools, public places such as health facilities. Hygiene packs will be provided to households, catering to the needs of the entire family including a family hygiene booklet to promote best practices.
The education sector will work with the Ministry of Education to support children especially those with no access to digital and electronic platforms for education material, the statement said.
World Vision Lanka’s first phase of the response that concluded recently focused on providing dry rations for families who were struggling with their livelihoods affected and 42,815 such families in 36 locations in 16 districts were provided with dry rations. The total response which also included improving preventive measures and supporting crucial needs of health facilities and health workers, amounted to over Rs. 70 million.