A call from the wild at a young age

Avijja Fonseka was just three years old when his parents began taking him to Yala National Park where he fell in love with the wildlife just like his parents had done. “They took me very often when I was very young, which built up a passion for it and when I grew up, I realized [...]
Today, Lotus Tower comes alive with De Lanerolle Brothers’ ‘From Sri Lanka with Love’ online

“This is the new normal and we wanted to do a concert for our fans until the situation returns to what it was before. We thought of an online concert not just for our Sri Lankan fans but for our fans all around the globe,” Ishan De Lanerolle says as he talks to the Sunday [...]
Keeping clean a beach full of memories

When Sri Lankans think of the Mount Lavinia Beach, we envision clear blue waves rolling gently towards long stretches of golden sand abundant with seashells, sand crabs and people milling about having fun… yet the reality today at Mount Lavinia beach, is that all there is to see is garbage littering the ocean and beach. [...]