Sri Lanka-style attack on St Paul’s Cathedral

UK’s first female suicide bomb plotter told ‘under cover’ detective she was planning attacks similar to last year’s Easter Sunday attacks. She smiles and makes ISIS salute as she is jailed for 14 years She was addicted to heroin and said she always wanted to ‘do something big’ and killing one ‘wasn’t enough’ This is [...]
The Donoughmore Commission: A watershed moment in Lanka history

The Donoughmore Commission which came to Sri Lanka in the late 1920s made far reaching and far seeing recommendations, which changed the political, economic and social landscape of Ceylon. The present generation is largely unaware of its role and it is time that they refresh their understanding of the tremendous changes brought in by Donoughmore. [...]
Towards community policing in Sri Lanka

According to the Criminal Procedure Code, ‘peace officers’ include police officers. Hence keeping the peace is a duty of police officers. When Sir Robert Peel established the London Metropolitan Police in 1829, he set forth a number of principles, one of which he considered the seed of community policing: “The police are the public and [...]
Lanka, the Land of the Rising Sons or…?

We sat back amidst all this hullabaloo about the Covid pandemic, curfews, drug racketeering and match fixing and, with a month to go for the general election, reflected on an issue which journalists are prone to do: Whither Sri Lanka after the election? Reflecting in the lingo of horse racing, we looked at the runners [...]
Tribute to Intake 21 of Sri Lanka Army as they cherish 35 years of service to the nation

The memories of 35 years will not fade away for 79 of us. Representing the true comradeship among the batch mates since June 6, 1985, we were committed to providing a selfless service to the Nation, sacrificing the most precious youth of our lives to safeguard the motherland and its peace-loving citizens. It was a [...]
Amid pandemic, UN belatedly holds virtual ceremony to mark Vesak
The United Nations in New York belatedly commemorated the International Day of Vesak virtually on July 2. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic prevented Member-States from gathering at the UN General Assembly Hall to celebrate this occasion, as in previous years, says a statement from the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations. The statement [...]
Sri Lankan heads the world’s leading philanthropic foundation

On July 1, Sri Lanka business leader K.R. Ravindran assumed the chairmanship of one of the world’s top charitable foundations – the Rotary Foundation. Mr. Ravindran was previously the 11th Asian to serve as the global head of Rotary International in 2015 and has been involved in multimillion dollar humanitarian projects in Sri Lanka. With [...]
Learning from the lockdown
CAMBRIDGE – As with so much else, international development has been severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. How might we use these lessons to reshape the sector, rather than returning to the status quo? For starters, the crisis has reminded us that nature still reigns supreme, and it should spur us to step up efforts [...]