Home » ColumnsAugust 5 polls: Disruption plans go up in flames, bomb-maker killed

A onetime LTTE intelligence cadre planned to explode a bomb in a public area to drive fear and prevent voters from going to polling stations on August 5 – but it exploded prematurely at his house and killed him. A Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) investigation, now underway, has revealed details of the plot. A guerrilla [...]
Policies and principles first, please

My dear Akila Viraj, I thought I must write to you after hearing some of your comments last week, saying that your party- the Greens party, contesting on the ‘elephant’ symbol – will win the forthcoming election and that those who abandoned you to join young Sajith will desperately want to return to the fold [...]
Strengthening exports essential for economy

Increasing exports and foreign investment are vital for Sri Lanka’s trade dependent economy. An overreaction to the current global economic dislocation by adopting inward-looking economic policies would be suicidal for Sri Lanka’s trade dependent economy. Sri Lanka has been and should continue to be a trade dependent export led economy to achieve a higher trajectory of [...]
The big, bad wolf of Lanka’s politico-police-military nexus

From a photojournalist being frogmarched by a suspect cop implicated in Sri Lanka’s 2012 Welikada prison massacre in the very premises of the High Court this Friday as aghast bystanders scuttled out of the way to lawyers being obstructed by members of the Special Task Force (STF) from conducting confidential consultations with their clients when [...]
Last rites for a once vibrant city

I had no intention of working in Hong Kong. But I was urged by family, friends and diplomats to leave Sri Lanka after the JVP then under the name of DJV or something, announced they had killed me before they finished the job. The Joint Operations Command(JOC) located at Flower Road close to Ladies College [...]
UNP and SJB take turns to dig their own graves

The die was cast many moons ago. And what we have witnessed in recent times has been the sorry spectacle of the march of events that had inexorably led to the breakup of the Grand Old Party of Lankan politics — the United National Party. Attendant as the midwife at the birth of the nation’s [...]
Covid-19 dictates terms for August 5 elections
The pandemic is far from over; 300 positive cases in a day at Kandakadu drug rehab centre; reminder of the need to follow health guidelines at political rallies Major parties say manifestoes are coming soon, but opposition hit by lack of campaign funds Elections chief assures polling booths are safe for voters, seeks gazette notification [...]
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