E-Learning: Has it really been a success?

During the past few months online learning, or ‘e-learning,’ has been the main source of education for school children throughout the country, as schools have been closed due to COVID-19 risks. While education authorities insist that e-learning has been a success, questions remain on how many children actually have access to necessary facilities and how [...]
Schools lockdown until 2020 parliamentary election concludes
Health Ministry gives Education Ministry green light to recommence classes for exam grades, if necessary The Health Ministry has recommended schools throughout the country remain closed until the parliamentary election scheduled for August 5 concludes. However, Health Ministry officials said the Education Ministry can recommence classes for Grades 11 and 13 prior to the election, [...]
New closing date for O/L re-correction applications
The Examinations Department has extended the closing date for re-correction of applications of the 2019 GCE Ordinary Level Examination answer scripts. The new closing date for the applications is July 31. All applications for re-correction must be sent to the department by registered post prior to this date. Further information can be obtained on the [...]
Public school meetings defeat the whole purpose of closing schools: CTU
Several public schools in the country are holding meetings of large gatherings despite the health authorities’ guidelines on maintaining social distancing, the Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) claimed last week. CTU General Secretary Joseph Stalin said parents and teachers have been summoned by principals for meetings about the selection process of students for the Advance Level [...]
Issuing of examination certificates on hold until further notice
The Examination Department has stopped issuing certificates to students until further notice. This will include the one-day service and the normal service at the counters. This decision was taken on Wednesday due to the health risks posed by the COVID-19 situation in the country, the Education Ministry said. Applicants can make online requests, and arrangements [...]
More than 100 teaching appointments awarded this week
Teaching appointments offered for several primary and secondary level subjects Teaching appointments for 155 Sri Lanka Teacher Service diplomates were handed over on Tuesday (July 14) this week. The appointments were handed over to diplomates who have completed the National Pedagogical Training during the years 2014-2016 and 2015-2017, at the National College of Education. Under [...]
Universities are currently unable to meet COVID-19 health guidelines: IUSF
Universities currently do not have the necessary infrastructure facilities to protect students from COVID-19 if they reopen fully, the Inter University Students’ Federation (IUSF) claimed recently. IUSF Convener Ven. Rathkarawwe Jinarathana Thera said most of the universities do not have adequate hostel facilities for social distancing to be practiced correctly. “University administrators are restricting students [...]
AOD announces final call for its September 2020 intake

Introduction: AOD’s vision & its home at the Colombo Innovation Tower, Empowers future innovators, visionaries and change makers to transform lives and make a remarkable impact on the world. Making the impossible possible so the next generation can take on tomorrow ever so confidently AOD (The Academy of Design) remains Sri Lanka’s future-ready design dynamic with its key [...]
Understanding the post Covid-19 landscape in order to reignite the youth in Sri Lanka

The COVID-19 pandemic has effected enormous personal, economic, and social damage globally. It has provided a new set of serious shocks to solid businesses and principles that have guided our thinking for decades. As a result, globally and locally business leaders and professionals are forced to rewire their thinking and set new rules to sneak [...]
CIPM rolls-out new Chartered Qualification- CQHRM
CIPM Sri Lanka – the Nation’s leader in human resource management launched their new Chartered Qualification in Human Resource Management (CQHRM) programme which is finely aligned to meet the current industry demands of a human resource professional in many spheres of business. The CQHRM syllabus has been uniquely structured as a composite model with 10 [...]
Humanized Corona Humanized Brands?

Last week we heard that; Victoria Secret declared bankruptcy, Zara closed 1,200 stores, La Chapelle withdrew 4391 stores, Chanel is discontinued, so is Hermes, Patek Philip and Rolex discontinued production, in essence, the luxury industry has crumpled. Very soon Nike will announce a layoff again, AirBnb says their last 12 years hard work [...]
Alethea utilizes new era digital teaching methods for continuous education amidst challenges of COVID-19

The Government imposed quarantine and the challenges therewith, affected the overall continuity of curriculum driven education amongst many state and private education institutions in Sri Lanka. Despite the challenges of the situation, Alethea School and Alethea International school, was already equipped to continue the teaching and learning process, as the organisation had already anchored on [...]
Top Students from leading schools endorse the LLB Programme by Horizon Campus
As one of the world’s most renewed law degrees, the LLB from the University of London has been instrumental in paving the way for many students towards greater success and prosperity in their legal careers. Comprising of a curriculum that incorporates and encompasses key components of Public Law, Contract Law and Criminal Law in the [...]
Musaeus paddlers clinch Under-14 ‘A’ title

The Musaeus College ‘A’ team became Under-14 A Division champions after beating Kegalu Balika Vidyalaya by 3-0 in the finals of the All-Island Inter-School Table Tennis Championship 2020. The tournament conducted by Sri Lanka Schools Table Tennis Association was held at the Indoor Courts of S. Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia from March 6 to 8. [...]
Parents Learn how to raise happy, self- confident kids

Do you want your children to be happy and confident? Do you want them to respect you and listen to you? Of course you do! Children are a precious gift to parents. However this is not a gift that lasts for ever. The challenge that parents face is how to make the best use of [...]
Exploring the role of a journalist in the diplomatic world: International Press Corps at SLMUN -Asiri Ekanayake
In the midst of the intense debate and resolution-making at a typical Model United Nations (MUN) conference, the International Press Corps (IPC) gives a unique perspective into the world of diplomacy. Unlike the usual committees made up of delegates who represent countries, IPC comprises of a team of journalists who are each assigned a well-known [...]
Webinar on “ Thinking on your feet – is that the NEW Normal?”

With the world we live in today being very different to what we knew before and many companies being challenged to consider the impact and disruption to their businesses due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, measures and best practices to be put in place to achieve goals and long-term strategies in the “new normal “ [...]
Northampton-HRMI Changemaker Scholarships

Northampton – HRMI Central Campus Colombo was the recipient of the International Changemaker 2020 Award for implementing numerous Changemaker initiatives which centered around empowering young persons from under privileged communities to pursue higher education pathways, thus enabling them to be gainfully employed. Whilst these initiatives have directly benefited many individuals and families, the ‘change’ has [...]
The Gordon, over 130 years of history helps students to gain real skills for future demands!

As one of the largest regional TAFEs in the State of Victoria, The Gordon Institute has been helping students gain real skills for real jobs for over 130 years. The Gordon pride itself on delivering a great range of options in vocational ‘hands-on’ training with one of the most comprehensive suites of courses in Western [...]
Head Start Your Medical Career right after O/Levels & A/Levels

60% Scholarships on Pre-Medical Programme Medical Careers in Australia | UK | Canada | New Zealand | Europe Becoming a Medical Practitioner is/maybe the most popular career goal that many have. Future doctors nurture their passion for helping others before applying for a Medical school. Medicine is also a versatile field that can be studied anywhere [...]
EFIC celebrates 40 years of pioneering Multilingual Education in Sri Lanka

École Française Internationale De Colombo (EFIC), also known as the French International School of Colombo celebrated a milestone of 40 years in providing exceptional education opportunities in Sri Lanka recently. The Multilingual Education School will be calling for applications to enroll new pupils for the September 2020 intake. EFIC is located in the heart of [...]
“We strive to prepare students for life with a globally recognised curriculum
Says Malith Kumarasinghe Coordinating Principal of Wycherly International School Gampaha Wycherley International School, one of the oldest International schools in Sri Lanka branched out to the Gampaha District with its first branch outside Colombo and is now fully equipped to cater the internationally recognized Cambridge Curriculum. Wycherley International School – Gampaha, the First and Only [...]
81/82 Batch of Richmond College donates Palliative care centre Karapitiya Hospital

A donation of over 600,000/ (Six Hundred Thousand) was made recently by 81/ 82 batch of Richmond College Galle to Palliative care centre Karapitiya Hospital recently voluntarily in recognition of the hard work done so far by Dr Chrysantha Perera who is in charge of the unit in hospital. Incidentally Dr. Chrysantha too is a [...]
AAT Passed Finalists can enjoy many exemptions from CA Sri Lanka New Curriculum
Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) have launched their new curriculum 2020 recently and parallel to that they have announced the list of exemptions that can be obtained by the passed finalists of Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (AAT Sri Lanka). This is the first time in AAT history that received [...]
AI Academy Sri Lanka’s first dedicated Artificial Intelligence Educational Institute opens for Enrollments

New future-oriented institute located at the Colombo Innovation Tower to produce future proof talent that will shape tomorrow with AI led disruptive technology The AI Academy is fully supportive of the government’s agenda to reform the curriculum in higher education to meet local & global market demands and prioritize technology based education creating a skilled [...]