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Breaking the mould

Sabrina Ghouse is breaking stereotypes. If her goal to be CEO of a multinational corporation sounds far-fetched in Sri Lanka, her land of birth, think again.Appointed in June as Vice President of AAA Digital San Francisco Bay Area at age 28, she’s getting close. Before that, she managed AAA Auto Insurance Product and Marketing–hot seats [...]
On top of his game

When he was asked about his ambition in life, Binura De Zoysa now 23, can remember telling his Grade 1 teacher that he wanted to make Harry Potter and Pokemon video games. Never giving up on that six-year-old’s dream, Binura went on from making Sonic the Hedgehog fan games all day to developing a chart [...]
Mad Hatters Collective debuts short film

We’re all a little mad around here these days…but there’s very few people who actually find a method to their madness. This week we got the opportunity to have a chat with a group of talented young individuals who do just that: they’re called the Mad Hatters’ Collective. If you’re not familiar with the name, [...]
Sky is literally the limit

“Indie” or Independant games are games that are usually developed by individuals or smaller development teams without the financial support of a large game publisher. As the game developers have the freedom to do as they choose, they usually focus a lot on innovation and also indulge in risk-taking as opposed to AAA titles. One [...]
Music News

Savage Love remains at the No 1 position The chart topper by ‘Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat)’ by Jawsh 685 & Jason Derulo held the No: 1 position for a second consecutive week with 63,000 chart sales including 7.2 million streams. The viral hit is co –penned Jawsh 685 under [...]