Dispelling fears

Dispelling Myth of Unethical Conversion for Historically Swelling Numbers of Ceylon Moors/ Sri Lankan Moors Under this section, we need to examine the historical context in which the Muslims of Sri Lanka acquired the label and classification of ‘Ceylon Moors’ (Lanka Yonaka) in the census records of Sri Lanka. Census taking was introduced by the [...]
Grow your own pot of yellow gold

What’s life without turmeric? Over the past months, rising turmeric prices and shortages have alarmed cooks and driven householders out into the garden to grow their own. Demand has also been fuelled by claims that it is a preventative treatment against Covid-19. Ayurvedic practitioners have urged us to add a little turmeric to the morning’s [...]

Gentle, upright and kind, he was loved and revered by all SRI NAGENDRA Golden memories and silver tears, these are my heart’s souvenirs…………………… I was overcome with grief with the passing away of my beloved brother Sri, who died recently after a brief illness. Death is inevitable, it comes to us all. But when it [...]
The one that got away – Deshan Tennekoon

Publishing editor and designer Deshan Tennekoon found himself ‘leaning increasingly heavily into photography’ in the early years of the century. An interest in portraiture had led him into a mixture of documentary and reportage work, and there was work to be had with organisations like the Red Cross, SOS Children’s Village, and Handicap International. One [...]
Let’s save our big cats for future generations

The Leopard – Panthera pardus kotiya, the largest cat species in the country, a top predator, categorised as Endangered by the IUCN was widespread across the island 20- 30 years back. Now limited to patches of forests in parts of the country, the leopard population is fast dwindling due to the negligence of all who [...]
Explore Kushinagar’s historic Buddhist sites

Kushinagar Airport in Uttar Pradesh has been declared an International Airport by the Union Cabinet of India, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi this week. Considered one of the four main sacred places of Lord Buddha, Kushinagar is believed to be the site where Lord Buddha attained ‘parinirvana’. A colossal reclining statue of Lord Buddha [...]
Getting their act together

Danny Casey had had a long winter. Like so many vacationers snuggled in the warmth of the Southern coast, by the middle of March he found himself under lockdown. It seemed an ordeal. Yet three months on, Danny is grateful that he was in Sri Lanka when the pandemic struck. It is his parents in [...]
Winning strokes from budding artists during lockdown

The Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Sri Lanka and the Maldives launched an art competition on May 1, to inspire the creativity of young minds during the COVID-19 lockdown. Children aged 15 years and below were invited to submit their creative and colourful illustrations on experiencing life while staying safely at home. The [...]