Lanka reaches new heights at world debating contest

10 p.m, Wednesday, July 29, 2020: An unlikely hour to be making history- but for eight people who had been orchestrating this moment for nine long months- a great triumph- and for Sri Lanka a chance to reach new heights on the world stage. The news from Mexico was that the Sri Lankan team had [...]
A fast-paced fantasy closer to home

There was always something about Tolkien, Rowling, and Pullman that I just couldn’t reckon with – fantasy fiction was never my thing. But that changed in early July when I was tasked with reading the newly released epic fantasy, ‘A Testament of Steel’, and interviewing its author, Davis Ashura. He described the book as, “a [...]
Taking it all in her stride; a pageant, a pandemic

Last October, overwhelmed with surprise and disbelief, 22-year-old Dewmini Thathsarani was crowned Miss Sri Lanka for Miss World after a gruelling few months of hard work and competition. “I was only 21 when I entered the contest, I had no idea that I would make it to the top three,” Dewmini recalls as she remembers [...]
Spreading some love and cheer the AMITSU way

AMITSU which stands for AMI Tsunami Children’s House Foundation was founded in 2006 by the late PremelaWijemanne. Back then, Premela owned her own Montessori in Kansas City, USA. But, once the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka in 2004, she decided to start a home in Sri Lanka to provide a safe place for the children affected by [...]
Music could be the secret to eating less

Listening to slow and steady music while eating slows down food intake, a new study suggests. The presence of a downbeat tempo influences how much people scoff their food, because humans have a tendency to subconsciously eat to the beat of the music. When the music played is slow and legato, this amplifies the effect [...]
Logitech Z120s are a pair of small but powerful speakers

If you find yourself using a laptop for most of your daily routine and you also tend to watch movies and listen to music, you might not be satisfied with the speaker that come baked into your laptop. And that’s perfectly normal. Unless you forked over an arm, a leg and a kidney to pay [...]
TV Times
DD Gunasena : much sought-after violin exponent

Violinist,vocalist and music composer DD Gunasena arguably the best violinist ever germinated in this country. Violin, byname fiddle, the bowed stringed musical instrument that evolved during the Renaissance from ancient bowed instruments: the medieval fiddle a 16th-century Italian offshoot. The violin is probably the foremost known, most widely apportioned musical instrument in the world. DD [...]
Song on Bruce Lee with a Sri Lankan touch

A new song on late martial arts legend Bruce Lee, penned by veteran sports journalist Srian Obeyesekere will be released soon. Bruce Lee, who changed the art on its head and went on to become famous as an actor, is a subject to many songs and movies around the world. This is the very first [...]
‘Bambaru Avith’ in Cannes Classics

Sri Lanka’s 1978 auteur film ‘Bambaru Avith’ (The Wasps Are Here) directed by Dr. Dharmasena Pathiraja has been selected as one of the 25 Classics in the world at the renowned Cannes Film Festival in France. The sole-surviving 35mm film positive of the film has undergone 4K film and sound restoration carried out by L’Immagine [...]
Gindhari Returns

Udayakantha Warnasuriya’s ‘Gindhari-3’ is one of the films that is in the line to be released once film screening returns to normal after COVID-19 pandemic. Directed and produced by Warnasuriya, stars Paboda Sandeepani, Mahendra Perera and Rodney Warnakula return to their regular characters. Others in the cast include Chulakshi Ranatunga, Srinath Maddumage, Saman Hemarathna, Rina [...]
Bennett back with ‘Nobody knows’

Benett Ratnayake’s latest film ‘Kawuruwath Danne Na’ (Nobody Knows) has been completed and it will be ready for release soon. Story by Ratnayake himself, the film is produced by Samanmali Hewamanne. In a land where a 17 years old poor school girl goes to the probation prison for stealing eight nuts of coconut, while corrupted [...]