Lanka reaches new heights at world debating contest

10 p.m, Wednesday, July 29, 2020: An unlikely hour to be making history- but for eight people who had been orchestrating this moment for nine long months- a great triumph- and for Sri Lanka a chance to reach new heights on the world stage. The news from Mexico was that the Sri Lankan team had [...]
A fast-paced fantasy closer to home

There was always something about Tolkien, Rowling, and Pullman that I just couldn’t reckon with – fantasy fiction was never my thing. But that changed in early July when I was tasked with reading the newly released epic fantasy, ‘A Testament of Steel’, and interviewing its author, Davis Ashura. He described the book as, “a [...]
Taking it all in her stride; a pageant, a pandemic

Last October, overwhelmed with surprise and disbelief, 22-year-old Dewmini Thathsarani was crowned Miss Sri Lanka for Miss World after a gruelling few months of hard work and competition. “I was only 21 when I entered the contest, I had no idea that I would make it to the top three,” Dewmini recalls as she remembers [...]