Lost your job….start again!
A brand of a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things as well Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon
Q1 Economy -1.6%
Finally the numbers are out. The Sri Lankan economy has contracted by -1.6% in the first quarter of this year, as against a +3.7% experienced last year.
The major reason being the country trying to recover from the Easter Attacks but the two weeks of the first quarter (from 20 to 31 March) May have had a impact on the overall GDP growth as the whole country stopped and did not perform in economic activities as in the previous year, except in a few essential services.
2nd quarter – 3.6%
I guess we will have to wait to see how the 2nd quarter performs but the initial numbers that I have seen been quoted on media is that it will be -3.6% which is why many have got de hired in the Apparel and tourism sectors of Sri Lanka. The estimates coming out on Apparel state that the numbers will be a drop as high as $2 billion dollars on the last year performance of over a $5 billion performance. So what does one do if you have been de hired.
1) Start anywhere.
Many say, “I don’t know where to start.” Things are not so based as that in Sri Lanka. In fact Sri Lanka is way ahead of the curve on Covid-19 management. The 71% voter turnout signify that the confidence level is very high and many people are fit and fearless on getting about with economic activity. Take your CV out and update it. Identify the strengths you have and and start with doing something. Like for instance write to an old boss and get an appointment and share your CV after explaining the issue you had. Some one will offer you a break. Don’t look at the salary take it and get your head in to company. Then show your work.
2) It’s OK to do the same thing again
Go back to your drawing book and start again with your career. It might be humiliating to take two breaks below the designation you had but bite the bullet. Take the opportunity and have another go as things in the market place has changed drastically Post Covid-19 lock down. go out there in a new industry and start somewhere. Start again. You will start shining with time and then you can move to your earlier way of life.
Getting annoyed because something took you twice as long as anticipated will only make you the type of person that is constantly annoyed. It’s as if you thought you were entitled to get something right the first time — -even if it is something you absolutely didn’t know how to do. The added benefit to this strategy is that you are constantly giving yourself a second chance. That’s a very relaxing way to live.
3) Try to be relevant and not to impress
Things have changed in the market place and if you are not willing to change, be fearless, try new things, have a attitude to be bias for action you cannot ever be called relevant in today’s world. Don’t try to impress. Just engage and get traction in the new company. Be willing to do any task assigned and go for it. You must show that you are a finisher. You have the courage to withstand a storm and fight back in life. Just do it. Don’t think too much on public perception. Focus more on sharpening your skill set so that over time you can get back to the earlier earning potential
4) Don’t look for a job. Be interesting.
Start doing a hobby and become a person who is interesting. Don’t be seen as a person trying to get a job. You must be demanding and also read and watch TV so that you will know that the situation in Sri Lanka is far more positive than many counties around us.
The best way to get a job is to get a referral from someone who has no vested interest in you getting the job, but has simply seen you doing amazing things. If you are out in public, doing interesting things, people will say “wow, I wish I could do things like that”. And they will want to work with you. I’m not advising you immediately stop going on those interviews, but rather ask yourself — -what are you doing today that is so interesting someone will want to hear about it?
5) Listen to your inner voice
but be positive
You may feel that things are rough and sometimes wanting to give up. Don’t do that. Just take a hobby and immerse your self in things you are passionate about. Be happy with what you have, or change what you want to change. Peace of mind actually becomes a way to shape your future rather than worry about it. Peace is not boring. Do some good exercise routines. The adrenaline spill makes you feel alive. Build positive vibes.
6) Do something esteemable
Let’s accept it. The only person who can motivate you is your self. Beat the anxiousness through positive self-talk. If you are trying to convince yourself that you are better than you are, your real self will see right through you. Instead — -take action. Go out and do something esteemable. It can be anything. Play cricket down the road with the neighborhood. Volunteer for a social cause. Join a gym of you have not done it. Go for a walk. Make your self happy.
7) Stabilize
Once you start life again and then you see that you are working well with the new team then try to go back to your studies and get your skill set once gain be trained. Then you must focus on Stabilizing your work pattern. You will see your life changing.
Sri Lanka will bounce back within a year. Don’t wait till the Economy is up and running. Just get on with life and do not allow public perception bring your self esteem down. Celebrate small achievements and you will see your self on the growth trajectory.
Dr Rohantha Athukorala is a Country Head for the Artificial Intelligence company Clootrack – Sri Lanka, Maldives and Pakistan. He can be contracted on Rohantha.athukorala1@gmail.com. The thoughts are strictly his personal views.