Colombo Uni’s green revolution

Heavily into preventing the pollution of the environment, they looked inward and around and decided to do their bit in managing their surroundings. Now with a cheque for over Rs. 20,000 for the first segregated waste-load, their efforts have paid off with the pathway clearly set to bring about a ‘green’ University of Colombo. The [...]

A kind and upright boss Rajah Salgado It was only recently that I heard of the very sad passing away of my old boss Rajah Salgado, whom I had the pleasure of knowing during my stint on the plantations in the Kalutara district in the 1980s. I also recently saw a few appreciations in the [...]
It’s not just fun time but learning time too

A busy mother of a pair of active three-year-old boys, Dhineli De Zilwa started her company Sesame and Berry which creates products that encourage play-based learning after noticing that her children’s speech development wasn’t at the levels they were supposed to be at 18 months. After speaking to a friend who was a speech therapist [...]
Purrfecting the art of caring for feline patients

Sleekly disdainful, it is usually they who choose you and not the other way round, unlike any other pet you may have. The purring and the rubbing of their bodies against yours in affection is always their decision and rarely will they bound up when called but give a snooty stare and walk away. In [...]
The one that got away – Sebastian Posingis

Born in Germany, but raised and educated in Iran, Greece, India, Sri Lanka and the UK, Sebastian Posingis has had a decades-long association with this country. The first years of his career were spent photographing across Asia, for travel magazines and guidebooks, and for wildlife and nature stock libraries. After the 2004 tsunami, he worked [...]
A cry for conservation through her pictures

Celebrated photographer Ami Vitale will talk on ‘Conservation photography: Taking pictures to save the Planet’ in the Wildlife & Nature Protection Society’s Public Lecture today, August 9 at 7.30 p.m. on Zoom. Conservation photographers take pictures that not only have technical excellence and perfect composition, but also give a message, sometimes stark and shocking, of [...]