Long Service Award of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
View(s):Institute of Chemistry recognise the long service rendered by academic and non-academic officers of the institute and honour them by presenting a token of appreciation at the annual session.
This year presentation was held on 13thof August at the Sri Lanka Foundation. Chief Guest of the occasion was Prof. Chandrika N. Wijeyaratne Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo.
Dr. Sisira Weliwegama, Mr. Hasantha Abeyrathna and Mrs. Anoma Wijesooriya receive the token of appreciation from the chief guest.
N.I.N.S. Nadarasa (Registrar)

Mr. Hasantha Abeyrathna receiving the award from the chief guest

Mrs. Anoma Wijesooriya receiving the award from the chief guest.

Dr. Sisira Weliwegama receiveing the awrd from the chief guest