Cabinet and State Ministry secretaries who were deprived of their jobs due to the change of government in November last year are in for a bonanza with the Government deciding to offer an alternative package including a first class duty-free vehicle import permit if they decide to revert to previous service. Previously the officers had [...]


Bonanza for Cabinet and State Ministry secretaries


Cabinet and State Ministry secretaries who were deprived of their jobs due to the change of government in November last year are in for a bonanza with the Government deciding to offer an alternative package including a first class duty-free vehicle import permit if they decide to revert to previous service.

Previously the officers had to be in service for three years, but according to a new circular issued by the Presidential Secretary P. B. Jayasundera this week, a period of one year was sufficient to be entitled to the duty-free vehicle permit.

A cabinet paper to this effect submitted by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to provide an ‘alternative relief package’ to the secretaries who were deprived of their positions has been approved.

The Cabinet has also granted approval for Ministry Secretaries whose posts were abolished to be appointed to a suitable post prior to August 31, 2020 if they do not intend to retire under the provisions of the Minute on Secretaries. The Cabinet also agreed to grant salaries, allowances and all other privileges approved for the post held by them.

The Cabinet also decided that the secretaries would be attached to the Ministry of Public Service, Provincial Councils and Local Government until they retire under the provision of the Minute on Secretaries or they are appointed to posts in their previous service or any other suitable post.

Meanwhile, the Treasury on Friday announced that officials entitled to a duty-free vehicle permit would be allowed to buy unregistered vehicles in the local market with the tax concessions through a registered vehicle importer.  Earlier this year, motor vehicle imports were suspended and it will continue.

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