Lanka between the devil and the deep blue sea

Has Sri Lanka’s pussyfooting with its foreign policy for long years with its Non-Alignment and now ‘neutral’ policy hit a blank wall? Last week the United States imposed sanctions on 24 Chinese companies, including China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), the parent company of the China Harbour Engineering Company, which is building the Colombo Port City [...]
Eco Spindles restores beauty of Ruhunu Kataragama Maha Dewalaya environs, collecting 2,306 kg of plastic waste

For thousands of Sri Lankans, the Ruhunu Kataragama Maha Dewalaya and surrounding areas are the gateway to spiritual practice. Exhibiting a deep care and concern for the environment and helping to keep the sacred site clean, Eco Spindles (Pvt) Ltd renowned for its pioneering pathways towards recycling plastic waste, organised a clean-up at the pilgrim [...]
Police handicapped by interference with law and order
Law and order can suffer due to various factors bearing on the process of law and order. Law and order is for public good, common to all society at large, which idea therefore engages the total meaning and purpose of its prescription for good governance. So it has been and yet intended to be. But [...]
To prevent suicide, light a candle for Sumithrayo
World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on September 10 every year since 2003, to provide worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides. The theme for this year is “Working Together to Prevent Suicide”. Sumithrayo, the government-approved charity set up in 1974 by the late Joan de Mel, was a beacon of hope to the lonely [...]
Is Trump a turning point in world politics?
CAMBRIDGE – As the United States enters the home stretch of the 2020 presidential election campaign, and with neither party’s nominating convention featuring much discussion of foreign policy, the contest between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden apparently will be waged mainly on the battleground of domestic issues. In the long run, however, historians will [...]