Whilst the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) is planning protests over the impending 20th Amendment to the Constitution, its one time parent, the United National Party (UNP), still has not named a young member to be its leader.   We are moving towards a dictatorship. We will campaign against this, SJB General Secretary Ranjith Madduma Bandara [...]


SJB, UNP General Secretaries say they will campaign against 20A; merger between the parties not ruled out


Whilst the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) is planning protests over the impending 20th Amendment to the Constitution, its one time parent, the United National Party (UNP), still has not named a young member to be its leader.  

We are moving towards a dictatorship. We will campaign against this, SJB General Secretary Ranjith Madduma Bandara told the Sunday Times. Vesting powers now with the Prime Minister and Parliament in the hands of the President is dangerous, he said in a brief interview.  

UNP General Secretary Akila Viraj Kariyawasam said the Working Committee would meet tomorrow to discuss the appointment of a new leader.  

“With that we will reorganise the party and campaign against 20A. We feel the independent commissions are important. This is how we were able to delay parliamentary elections through the Election Commission,” he said in the interview.  

SJB General Secretary Ranjith Madduma Bandara

What are the provisions of the 20 Amendment that the SJB is opposing?

We are opposing 20A because the Sri Lanak Podujana Peramuna is trying to create a dictatorial rule by transferring powers vested in the Prime Minister and Parliament to the President.

Prime Minister and SLPP leader Mahinda Rajapaksa’s former party, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, opposed the executive presidency. The party promised to abolish the executive presidency at elections in 1994, 2000 and 2004.

In my view 20A is an extension of 18A and will create a dictatorial presidential system.

Through 19A, we created a mechanism where even the President can be challenged in court. If they proclaim one country one law then there should not be a separate law for the President.

We are also against the 20A provision that will enable the President to dissolve parliament after it completes one year. People do not elect a government to be dissolved by a President after one year.

We are also against the provision on dual citizenship.

Under 19A, the number of cabinet ministers was limited to 30. Under the new amendment, the President can appoint any number of ministers.

 It is said that 20A resembles the J.R. Jayewardene Constitution’s executive presidency. Do you say JR was wrong?

Mr. Jayewardene used the executive power to develop the country. Today those who said JR’s power was too excessive are trying to introduce an amendment that surpasses his powers.

Undermining 19A’s independent commissions, the present Government is introducing a system where the President can make appointments. He can appoint the Chief Justice, superior court judges and the Attorney General. Even members of the Police Commission will be appointed by the President.

But by scrapping the Audit Commission and the Procurement Commission, the Government is removing a powerful check against corruption and fraud.

 Some say that SJB is pushing for a merger with the UNP, is this true?

The SJB is a new party. We are engaged in moves to strengthen the party and introducing programmes to take the party to villages. We hope to do this on September 19 and 20. We are drafting the party constitution and it will be ready within two weeks.

The people have given their mandate to the SJB. People have brought down the UNP to zero. Therefore, we are inviting the UNP to join us.

 Is a meeting being scheduled between the SJB and UNP? Has the UNP made any overtures?

Our party leader and I have openly invited UNP members to create an alliance with us. We have had informal meetings with UNP members, but nothing official.

 Who made the first move for a possible renunion?

The SJB made the move. However the UNP itself is facing a leadership crisis.

SLPP members say some SJB members will cross over to the Government. Any comment?

The SJB stands strong and united. We are certain that there would not be any crossover. We see that there are issues cropping up in the SLPP. It made use of the Viyathmaga group and the SLFP to win the election, but appointed old faces. They did not even give a ministry to the SLFP leader and former president. This is a huge issue. Some of them, including former ministers, talk to us about their grievances. They also tell us not to allow them to obtain a two-thirds majority.

We expect that some SLPP members will cross over to our party.

 Has your party engaged in campaigns to create public awareness against the 20 Amendment?

On September 8, before the statue of the Ven Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera, we made a pledge that we would protect the 19th Amendment. Thereafter we protested against 20A. At district level, we have started a campaign to educate the people on the adverse of effects of 20A. We also plan to challenge it in court once it is presented to Parliament.

 Do you see any a need for a new Constitution? Is our constitution so badly drafted that it needs to be amended for 20 times? If so how can we rectify the issue?

When 19A was brought in, everyone in the current cabinet, except for Ali Sabry (who is a first-time MP) voted in favour of it. Now we ask them whether they voted for it with their eyes and ears closed.

The ones who had fought for the abolition of the executive presidency for a long time are trying to make it much more powerful and bring about a dictatorial rule.

 Will you discuss with the SLFP to get its support to defeat 20A?

We are having secret meetings with the SLFP to discuss this. The SLFPers say they are disgruntled with the Government. We will soon meet them openly.

UNP General Secretary Akila Viraj Kariyawasam   

What are the 20A provisions that the UNP is opposed to? Please explain provision by provision.

The Government is building the foundation for a dictatorial rule through 20A. This is an undemocratic move. Through 19A, we introduced mechanisms that secured the basic rights of people. These mechanisms were recognised by the entire world.

The introduction of independent commissions is one such mechanism. Parliamentary election was postponed during the Covid-19 pandemic, because the independence Election Commission created by us had powers to do so. We would have faced the same issues as India, if we had not postponed the election.

The Public Services Commission, the Police Commission, the Audit Commission and the Procurement Commissions were created for the betterment of the people. We admit there were flaws. It takes time to strengthen the commissions.

If the Government goes ahead with the amendment, there will be no need of a Parliament as all the powers would be devolved to the president.

Government politicians were the ones who complained that JR’s 1978 constitution had excessive power. But 20A is creating a situation that goes beyond that.

It also gives immunity to the President not only during his term but even thereafter. This is dangerous to the future of the country.

There were checks and balances between the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary but 20A undermines the checks. It gives the President the power to appoint chairpersons to the independent commissions. By making political appointments, the independence of the commissions is lost.

 20 A resembles the JR Jayewardene executive presidency. Do you say what JR did was wrong?

When J.R. Jayewardene introduced the 1978 Constitution, the situation in the country was entirely different. He never made any attempts to misuse power during his two terms in power.

However during the later periods, different leaders have misused the executive powers. They used the executive power to exact revenge and destroy democracy. The 20th Amendment exceeds the limits of the previous constitutions.

 Who will be the UNP’s National list nominee to Parliament?

The party needs some time to decide. We have scheduled a Working Committee Meeting tomorrow to discuss the matter. Even the party leader has decided to take some time to do it.

 The UNP only has one seat in Parliament. So, how will you build a public opinion against 20A?

Even though we have one seat, we can make a public opinion in parliament and outside parliament. We can educate the people.

 What is the UNP’s current situation and future plans?

We admit that we are facing a tough situation than previous times. Yet this does not mean that this is the end of it. We will restructure and strengthen the party. Our plan is to regain the 2 million votes we lost during the election.

 What about the leadership of the party?

There have been lots of discussion and there will soon be an outcome.

 Are there any party members who are in favour of Ranil Wickremesinghe staying on as leader?

Our Party leader has said he is willing to give the leadership to a young leader.

 Will the UNP go for a merger with the SJB?

We have not yet discussed any merger. At present, our focus is on restructuring the party. However in the future we have to get-together with all parties if we wish to defeat this Government. It will not matter whether it’s SJB, the SLFP or the JVP.

 The previous government had plans to bring a new constitution but failed. Now the present Government is trying to bring in a new Constitution. What is your party’s stance on this?

If the Government is going to draft a new constitution, it has to go for a referendum. Therefore, it is going to make use of the two-thirds majority to introduce more amendments.

 Do you see a need for a new constitution?

Most governments amend the constitution to secure power. Through 19A, we secured democracy for the people. We gave independence to the media; we created independent commissions and checked the power of the government. As a government we could not function as we wished.

People could criticise us, but we only thought of the people. In contrast, now this Government is trying to obtain a dictatorial rule, disregarding democracy.

The Government is quickly bringing this as a measure to face future issues when they are unpopular with the people.

 What are your thoughts on Premalal Jayasekara being sworn in?

This was the first time in the world that a convicted murderer has been sworn in as a member of parliament. It made headlines internationally. They are bringing in 20A to do such things in the future.

As a lawyer I see this incident of a murderer convicted by the evidence of 45 witnesses coming to parliament as a dangerous precedent.

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