Home » ColumnsPM sends warm birthday wishes to Modi, plays golf for China

It is a well known fact among geopolitical observers of the importance of Sri Lanka due to its geographical location in the Indian ocean, given the conflicting interests of two major world powers in the Indian ocean namely India and China. Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa is the master in the art of diplomacy as his [...]
Uneasy is the head that wears a crown
My dear Ruwan, I thought I must write to congratulate you on your ‘promotion’ as deputy leader of the Green Party, although I am not sure whether this is a great achievement because the Green Party is now only a shadow of the Grand Old Party it was, not so long ago. Still, I suppose [...]
Can Maithripala be a party to destroying his own legacy?

Most politicians love to leave behind something that they will be remembered by after their departure. That explains why they set up foundations with their name, have buildings and roads named after them and sometimes even fight with their local rivals to claim the right to open a facility (euphemistically called vesting it with the [...]
Balance of payments deficit increases despite lower trade deficit

In spite of a narrowing of the trade deficit in the first seven months of this year, the balance of payments (BOP) has deteriorated owing to lower workers’ remittances, earnings from tourism and financial inflows. Meanwhile as an interim measure to cope with the declining foreign reserves and to strengthen it, the Government has obtained [...]
Installing a constitutional monarch as the president

Constitutions of democratic Republics should not be tailor made for individuals. Yet, Sri Lanka’s constitutional practice has been stubbornly reflective of this pattern, inclusive of the 19th Amendment and the proposed 20th Amendment alike. Hypocritical homage to constitutional ideals Veneration of the 19th Amendment by its proponents must give way to an understanding that playing [...]
Did the people really vote for a constitutional one-man show?

Sometimes it is hard to believe that not even six years ago the late Venerable Sobitha Thera had given fiery voice to the war cry ‘Down with the Executive Presidency,’ and had stirred, inspired and galvanised the people into battle to bring down President Mahinda Rajapaksa from his presidential throne and drag his draconian 18th [...]
Accountability and more such rot

It came to pass earlier this month that the 20th Amendment to our Constitution has run into some political road works. There it was, all signed, sealed and gazetted and ready to be dropped on the collective head of a bemused public who suddenly found many existing institutions were to lose the independence they have [...]
20A in parliament on Tuesday with no amendments
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa gives the go ahead Committee recommendations on changes to be dropped Constitutional clause barring dual citizens contesting elections to be dropped as envisaged Provisions to allow Urgent Bills in Parliament to be dropped President Gotabaya Rajapaksa wants to move in Parliament the 20th Amendment to the Constitution, already gazetted, without any [...]
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