5th Installation ceremony of CIPM Gavel club celebrated in style
View(s):Communication and leadership skills are two of the most important things a child in the 21st century needs to harness. On the 27th of September 2020 at the CIPM Premises in Narahenpita, the Gaveliers of CIPM Gavel Club took another step ahead in their journey, promising to continue their 4 years of expedition in instilling these values in the younger generations.
The ceremony took place with the presence of the Chief Guest – Sudash Liyanage, DTM, the regional advisor of region 13 Toastmasters International, the Guest of Honour Vice President, CIPM Sri Lanka – Mr. Ken Vijayakumar, Special Invitees CIPM Sri Lanka Past President – Mr. Rohitha Amarapala, CIPM Council Member – Ms. Shiwanthie Wijeysooriya, Key Note Speaker Psychologist and Lecturer Ms. Rasini Bandara, Mentor – Nehansa Weerasinghe, Outgoing mentor – Dammika Priyangani, Founder mentor – Showmija Sivadasan, Toastmasters and parents.
- Toastmasters
- TM Nehansa Weerasinghe, Mentor with TM Showmija Sivadasan, founder mentor of the club
- Presentation of certifificate to Gavelier Humaira by the Guest of Honor, Ken Vijayakumar
- Pinning of the officer badge by special invitee, Rohitha Amarapala
- Lighting of the oil lamp
- Key note address by Rasini Bandara
- Installation of club officers
- Gaveliers with Toastmasters
- Gaveliers – Boys in blue and gold
- A section of the participants
- Adhil Kitchil, Secretary of the club proposing the Vote of thanks
- Address by the Newly elected President Aaliya Khulusie
- Address by the Chief guest, DTM Sudash Liyanage
- Gaveliers with Chief guest and Toastmasters
Gavelier Aaliya Khulusie was installed as the 5th President of the club. The rest of the team comprises GV Uthsara Keppetipola – Vice President Education, Gv Kavya Weerasuriya – Vice President Membership, Gv Binath Gorakapitiya – Vice President Public Relations, Gv Aadhil Kitchil – Secretary, Gv Pesandu De Alwis – Treasurer, and Gv Subashi Baghya – Seargeant- At- Arms were officially installed. Gv Sanu Abeysekara, the outgoing president, along with his team were discharged from their duties. The committee was installed by the outgoing mentor TM Dhammika Priyanganie.
Members who achieved their educational track and the winners of the club contest were presented certificates during the installation ceremony. Gavelier Kavya Weerasuriya was recognised as the most outstanding Gavelier for the year 2019/20.
The event was concluded with the vote of thanks by the Secretary for the year 2020/21 – Gv Adhil Kitchil.