One of the key attributes of an Edith Cowan University Branch campus here in Sri Lanka is to cater to the local student needs but also to give opportunities for students from our neighboring SAARC countries. The need for recognised high quality education is in strong demand all over this region but the output is [...]


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One of the key attributes of an Edith Cowan University Branch campus here in Sri Lanka is to cater to the local student needs but also to give opportunities for students from our neighboring SAARC countries.

Erath Karunaratne - Executive Director - ACBT

The need for recognised high quality education is in strong demand all over this region but the output is negligible due to the very high cost and visa systems of the developed countries. The parents and students are looking for quality education at a more manageable value proposition and simpler visa system. Very few countries have managed to setup education hubs in the last 20 years. These countries have vastly helped their own student’s education needs and also helped their neighbors. Some of these countries have taken it a step further by engaging in collaborative research with the parent University from overseas.

As ECU is a public university and a strong research oriented university, ECU Sri Lanka will not only teach students but will engage in collaborative research with ECU in Australia in the coming years. I like to thank His Excellency David Holly ambassador for Australia and his staff for their support, The Minister for Education Prof G L Peiris, staff from BOI and Ministry of Immigration and Emigration Sri Lanka.

I would like to thank Professor Steve Chapman Vice Chancellor and President of Edith Cowan University, Mr Rod Jones Chairman (Navitas Ltd), Professor Simon Ridings Deputy Vice-Chancellor International, Professor Di Twigg, Professor Andrew Woodward, Professor Maryam Omari, Associate Professor Madeline Ogilvie, Professor Clive Barstow, Professor Moira Sim, Associate Professor Helen Vella Bonavita and Professor Daryoush Habibi Pro Vice Chancellor, ECU Sri Lanka for helping us overcome challenges and making this a reality. I must not forget the work done by the Navitas team in Australia and the ACBT team in Sri Lanka.


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