University of Technology Sydney opens its Doors to Sri Lanka
View(s):Sri Lankan students who have ambitions of majoring in Business, Engineering or IT (Information Technology) have a great opportunity to create a pathway for their degree programme by studying at home during the current pandemic and enrolling with Australia’s University of Technology Sydney (UTS), located in the heart of Colombo’s education zone. Students can complete their Foundation and/or Diploma in Colombo and then transfer to Sydney to complete their degree.
UTS offers Foundation and Diploma courses for O/L and A/L students respectively. Students receive Australian awards for all studies at UTS Sri Lanka and scholarships are available for courses in both Sri Lanka and Sydney.
“We have a generous range of scholarship available each semester. Here at UTS Sri Lanka, students can apply for 25%, 50% and 100% scholarships. Also, all students completing their Diploma at UTS Sri Lanka, qualify for a guaranteed ongoing scholarship for the balance of their studies in Sydney” Alison Hiscox, Principal of UTS Sri Lanka explained.

Good luck and see you soon! - UTS Sri Lanka wishes the very best to students who are getting ready for the 2020 AL examinations in October. Once the exams are over, it will be time to start an exciting new chapter of your life. Come and visit us for career guidance, and to identify the degree programme that suits you best.
State of the art campus in the heart of Colombo
“Sri Lanka is a great country and strategically placed for growth within the region. We wanted to bring our highly ranked, technologically innovative and future thinking university right to the doorstep for Sri Lankan students. We wanted to provide them with the opportunity to commence their studies right here in the heart of Colombo and then move on to complete their studies in the heart of Sydney – all with the same institution” Hiscox said.
The UTS Sri Lanka campus at Thurstan Road is a brand new 6 storey building in the heart of Colombo where the building models the collaborative, innovative learning spaces that are a feature of UTS in Sydney. “The campus is in a great hub. We have key schools and the University of Colombo close by and our central location makes it very easy for students to get to” advises Hiscox.
“At UTS Sri Lanka, students’ study in a state-of-the-art campus with small class sizes to provide the optimal learning experience. Our courses replicate those in Sydney, which ensures students achieve the same learning outcomes as their peers in Sydney. They are then fully prepared for success once they transfer to continue their studies in Australia. As a result of starting their studies at the Sri Lanka campus, students are completely familiar with what is expected of them when they transfer to Australia” she said.
“They literally become an ‘international student’ before they have even left Sri Lanka, all whilst living in the comfort of their own home,” explained Hiscox.
Strong focus on quality
The lecturers at UTS Sri Lanka are selected by Hiscox and the relevant Sydney Program Manager for the discipline. “We select well qualified, forward thinking and student focused lecturers and many of our lecturers I have known for a number of years through my Sri Lankan networks” said Hiscox. Quality is ensured via Subject Coordinators in Sydney moderating in semester assignments and tests with all final examination papers marked in Sydney.
Once at UTS in Sydney, students can choose from a range of majors.
n For Business, these include: Human Resource Management, International Business, Advertising, and Marketing and Communications.
n In Engineering, students can select Biomedical, Civil, Data, Mechanical, Software and a flexible option where students choose complimentary subjects from multiple majors; and for
n IT, students can select Business Information Systems Management, Data Analytics, Enterprise Systems Development, Networking and Cyber Security
Education during a
pandemic – delay your travel NOT your education
‘Students don’t need to delay their education just because they need to delay their travel’ says Hiscox. Students can enrol in the new semester commencing 2nd November, complete their first semester by the end of January, their second semester by the end of May and be ready to transfer to Sydney for a second semester start date in August 2021 with a full year of credit for their Diploma studies. Commencing with UTS Sri Lanka saves both time and money and provides students with a fantastic head start in achieving their University of Technology Sydney degree.
The University of Technology Sydney has great rankings and is in a great location!
‘UTS has the unique distinction of being Australia’s *number one young university. “This means that it ranks first of all Australian universities that have been established in the last 50 years,” It is also ranked*11th in the ‘Top 50 under 50’ (years old) universities in the world, *69th globally for Graduate Employability and has an overall global ranking of *133, which places it in the top 2% of universities worldwide’ explained Hiscox who has worked in the transnational education sector for over 20 years.
“I have been involved in the Sri Lankan education market for a long time and have a great respect and appreciation for both Sri Lankan students and educators. At UTS, we wanted to enter the Sri Lankan market to both play a part in Sri Lanka’s growth and also provide a strong Sydney education option for students, and one which they could start from home. Sydney is a beautiful city with iconic attractions including the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. It is the most visited city in Australia, providing students with great part time work opportunities and the chance to meet and network with people from across the globe. It is also rated the 3rd most liveable city in the world (Global Liveability Index 2019).
For more information, please
contact UTS Sri Lanka on 0774 775 774 or visit us at 38 Thurstan Road, Colombo 3.
*QS World University Rankings