Ponnambalam re-elected President of Classic Car Club

Launch of the club website by Vice President Clive de Silva Jr
Ramani Ponnambalam was unanimously re-elected as President of the Classic Car Club of Ceylon at its 28th Annual General Meeting held at the Kingsbury Hotel. Shalike Ganewatte and Clive de Silva Jr were elected Vice Presidents.The club launched its new look website – www.classiccars.lk – at the event with many new sections and features. The club’s events calendar is scheduled to commence with the Mana Jayawardena Rally in October.
Office bearers for 2020/2021
- Patron : Commissioner of Motor Traffic
- Vice Patron : Asgi Akbarally
- President : Ramani Ponnambalam
- Vice Presidents : Shalike Ganewatte,
Clive de Silva Jr
- Joint Secretaries : Geepal Fernando,
Priyanga Samaratunga
- Treasurer : Shiraz Akbarally
- Asst Treasurer : Sanjiv Alles
- Immediate Past President : Dinesh Jayawardana
- General Committee : Clive de Silva Sr,
Bri Ponnambalam, Tilak Amendra,
Chandana Amaratunga, Chanaka Jinasena,
Shane Walgama, Dinesh de Silva, Senaka Kotagama, Suhen Wanigasooriya