Study medicine at the world-renowned Yerevan State Medical University of Armenia Are you a student who is dreaming of fulfilling your life goal of becoming a doctor to go down in Sri Lankan history? Look no further, because you can embark on a highly successful medical career right now by joining the next batch at [...]




Study medicine at the
Yerevan State Medical University of Armenia

Are you a student who is dreaming of fulfilling your life goal of becoming a doctor to go down in Sri Lankan history? Look no further, because you can embark on a highly successful medical career right now by joining the next batch at Yerevan State Medical University.

Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) is one of the leading government medical universities in Eastern Europe. Located in the Armenian Capital Yerevan, YSMU was founded in 1920 as a faculty and established as an independent Institution in 1930. The University is enlisted in the Directory of Higher Medical Institutions adopted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). YSMU is a State non-commercial institution under the Ministry of Education and Science of the renowned organisations such as the Australian Medical Council (AMC), The General Medical Council (GMC) of the United Kingdom , United State Medical Council ( USMC ) Canadian Medical Council ( CAMC ), Australian Medical Council , The European Union and University Grant Commission ( UGC )

About the YSMU Medical Programme

YSMU is an outstanding medical university, providing students with the necessary practical training in modern technology to help them be successful doctors anywhere in the world.  The added advantage for YSMU students is their having followed the six-year course in the English medium.  Another feature in this programme is that YSMU directs its students to exams such as the ones conducted by ERPM, AMC and the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board          (PLAB – UK).  One of the greatest opportunities YSMU students have is that all doctors attached to YSMU are government-registered doctors.

The State University was named by a European physician, Dr. Mkhitar Heratsi, who lived in the Mediterranean Era.  The University is located in the beautiful, salubrious surroundings in the scenic Caucasian Mountains of Eastern Europe.

The first international students of YSMU were those of Armenian descent from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Cyprus and Bulgaria.  Since 1985, the University started providing education in Russian language and, since 2000, in English language for international and overseas students and representatives of the Armenian Diaspora.  The number of international students at YSMU is steadily growing.  YSMU hosts international students from countries such as Australia, Belarus, Canada, China, France, Georgia, Germany, the Great Britain, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, the USA, Uzbekistan and Venezuela.  The majority of them have chosen English as the language of study. Furthermore, the number of international graduates at YSMU is increasing as well.  Over two thousand Armenian and Russian-speaking international graduates and over 1154 English speaking graduates have become YSMU alumni and many of them have been working as doctors in India, the USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Russia and Iran.

Education at Yerevan State Medical University At Yerevan State Medical University, education of international students is carried out in accordance with national and international higher medical education standards.  In the Republic of Armenia, medical education is regulated by the Law on Education and the Law on Higher and Post-Graduate Education.  Both laws are in consent with the main directives of the Bologna Process. The Bologna Process is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications. The process has created the European Higher Education Area under the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

The students, during their studies, earn credits, with one year of studies equal to 1800 hours of student work equivalent to 60 credits.  This credit system, enforce at YSMU, is compatible with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

The following programmes are offered to international students by the University:

  • General Medicine
  • Dentistry (Stomatology)
  • Pharmacy

The mode of study is full-time.  The academic year, as a rule, starts on the 18th of November 2020 and makes, respectively, two semesters with 20 and 22 weeks’ duration.

The General Medicine Program duration involves 12 semesters (six years).  The graduates are awarded the MD Degree and qualified as MD Physicians.  The Dentistry and Pharmacy course duration involves 10 semesters (five years) and the graduates are qualified, correspondingly, as Doctors of Stomatology and Pharmacists. Students learn pre-clinical and clinical disciplines during the period of study.  Intense attention is paid to practical skills acquired during the classes and practical training periods in laboratories, hospitals and the University Simulation Center.  In this University, modern educational technical aids are widely used.

At YSMU, international students are actively involved in research and educational, cultural and other activities.  The Dean’s Office assists international students in organizing the celebration of their religious and national events.  The Dean’s Office promotes the environment of international tolerance and friendship and integrates international students into the university students’ life, extracurricular activities and students’ societies. Everyday activity of the departments and students is coordinated and supervised by the Dean’s Office.

YSMU is the largest and most prestigious medical university in Armenia, having 3150 employees and a 1190-strong teaching staff, which include 130 Professors, 700 Associate Professors and 360 Assistant Lecturers.

Special benefits for Medical Students

YSMU is a fully-equipped medical college staffed by talented professors who provide their services to students through modern technology.  YSMU also provides clinical training in specialised facilities and specialized hospitals with advanced technology.  YSMU also has accommodation facilities, Internet facilities and other modern facilities.  Students are charged only USD 5000 as the course fee to enjoy all these facilities and they are given free breakfast during the course period.

Why choose Armenia?

Even if you were unable to meet the Z Score to qualify for a Sri Lankan university, you still have the chance to learn with the highest scoring students from other countries in Armenia.

Recognised in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and Malaysia, Armenian medical certificates open a world of opportunity. With the approval of the University Grants Commission, European Union and Sri Lanka Medical Council, your career options are endless. If you decide to come back to Sri Lanka and serve the country for 5 or more years, and then choose to migrate to somewhere in the European Union, your Armenian medical certificate will allow you to do this. Language classes are available to ease you into adapting to life in Europe. Armenia is located in Eastern Europe, also called Euro Asia.  With a population of about three million, Armenia is historically an important kingdom and the first Christian country in the world.  The ruins of the Greek-Roman Empire with its historical heritage are still visible in the country.  Armenia is known for a low crime rate and is one of the safest countries in Europe for a worry-free education. Relatively low course fees, good clinical exposure, quality medical education, modern infrastructure, and well-equipped laboratories are all reasons why you should consider studying medicine in Armenia. Accommodation will be provided by the government in the form of in-house hostels with free breakfast. You will also be eligible to apply for a scholarship up to 35% off your fees from the entire duration of your course.

The application deadline for the next batch of medical students at YSMU is on the 18th of November 2020. Only 21 seats are available on the first come first served basis, therefore students will begin the application process immediately after an initial exam.


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