Days Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift, Yesterday is history, So make sure your day is swift. About tomorrow you don’t know, ‘The future’ to all God won’t show, You should never think of tomorrow today, As when tomorrow comes, you can’t send it away.   Today you should not waste, Enjoy even [...]

Funday Times

Kids’ World



Tomorrow is a mystery,

Today is a gift,

Yesterday is history,

So make sure your day is swift.

About tomorrow you don’t know,

‘The future’ to all God won’t show,

You should never think of tomorrow today,

As when tomorrow comes, you can’t send it away.


Today you should not waste,

Enjoy even the slightest taste,

You should always do your best,

As you don’t know what will come next.


Yesterday was a long time over,

So don’t think about it and be sober,

Whatever happens, the past is always
the past,

If you think about it, you will become
the last.

Joshua Segarajasinghe (Grade 8)

St. Peter’s College, Colombo 4

I am an oak tree

I am an oak tree. I live in a park.
I am as big as a house. A long time ago I was an acorn. A little boy picked me. He put me in his pocket and ran across a park. When the boy was running in the park, I fell out of his pocket.
The boy pressed me into the earth.
The sun and the rain called to me and
I came up. After 100 years I was the king of the trees in the park.

Gavesha Pathiratne (Grade 4)

Royal College, Colombo 7

Girly and the dog bone

Once there lived a doggy named Girly. One day, her owner went out to get her a toy, but she didn’t know. Her owner went at 12 and came at 3. When Girly came to the gate her owner gave her a bone. She was so happy so she stayed where her owner put the bone.

Her owner was gardening and Girly was growling because she thought her owner was going to take the bone, but her owner didn’t take the bone, and the dog was biting the bone happily.

Mary-Anne Dodanwala (6 years)

St. Bridget’s Convent, Colombo 7

The best gift would be…

My birthday is coming closer. This year I will be turning 11 years old.
I am hoping for the perfect gift.
It will not be a toy or a dress. It will be a family photo – a very simple but a great gift for me.

I don’t need a party, just a simple gift for me! I will carry that photo everywhere and I would love a simple black frame too. It will match the photo and will be very convenient to keep it on my desk. When I look at it, it will bring happy memories to me and I will keep it till I am grown up and look back at it one day to remind me of my little face which I had those days!

Well, all this will happen if only I get the perfect gift…

Kaysey Kolonne (Grade 6)
Musaeus College, Colombo 7

Water  pollution

Water is something we need and cannot live without it. So always we should look after our water sources.  We use water for our daily
activities.  If we throw trash and rubbish into our water, it gets dirty. This is called water pollution. When water is polluted  all the fish can die.
So please make sure to look after the water sources around us.

Sanuki Fiorina (Grade 1)

St. Thomas Int. College, Seeduwa


Technology is basically the way we execute the discoveries of science and blend it with our own needs. Technology is a general item used to refer to the different tools, machines and equipment we use in everyday life. These tools and equipment have been invented by man to make the tasks faster, easier and more

Advancement of technology:

Since the invention of the wheel, to the use
of microchips in computers and mobiles,
technology has come a long way. Man has reached the moon and explored outer space just because of the advancement in the aeronautics field. Even in primitive occupations such as
agriculture, there have been so many
technological advancements with modern tools.


Importance of technology

Technology has its own importance in our lives. Without technological advancements, our lives wouldn’t have been simpler and faster.
The modernization  that the world is witnessing today has all been possible because of the
technological developments in different fields.

So we want to use technology only for good work and not for bad work.

Oshadhi Siriwardhana (Grade 8)

Royal Int. School, Kegalle

The moon

Someone in the sky looking bright.

It is round in shape and yellow in colour,

Looking at me every night
like a lamp.

Like a shining face,

You are outside of my window,

Oh! You are the moon.

Nulara Fernando (Grade 10)

Jennings Int. College,


My favourite game

My favourite game is football as it is a world famous game. Football is popular as an outdoor game. It is also known as soccer.

This game is normally played by two teams of 11 players.
The rule of this game is you
cannot use your hands to play. Players of each team should try to get a goal against the other team. This game is most popular in Europe.

One day I want to be a


Yowindu Dulnath (Grade 4)

Sri Rahula P. C.

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