MoS approves three new shooting ranges for school athletes

NSSF president Shirantha Peries making the development plan presentation to the Minister of Sports and other officials
The National Shooting Sport Federation of Sri Lanka (NSSF) received a positive response it has been waiting for years, after the Ministry of Sports gave its green light to build three new shooting ranges, mainly for the convenience of school athletes.
This followed the meeting NSSF representatives, headed by its president Shirantha Peries had with Sports Minister Namal Rajapaksa and officials of the Ministry of Sports, to present its development plan.
NSSF president Peries and secretary Pradeep Edirisinghe made an in-depth presentation on how shooting sports in Sri Lanka progressed through the recent years and on the areas that it would be needed to assist with to develop as a medal winning sport internationally.
Upon their presentation the Ministry of Sports (MoS) swiftly responded to the request made by the NSSF officials, by approving three new ranges for school shooters.
“On the request made by the president of the NSSF, Shirantha Peries, the Minister of Sports Namal Rajapaksa granted an appointment to present its development plan, which turned out to be a fruitful meeting for shooting sports,” the NSSF stated in a media release.
“As a first step to supporting the plan, the minister on principal, approved the construction of one air gun range per district in order to facilitate the 7,500 plus school shooters’ community. The final objective would be to have ranges in all 25 districts of Sri Lanka that would be accessible not only to the students but also to the sport shooting community in general and the general public for leisure shooting,” it added.
The NSSF president was elated that Sports Minister Rajapaksa was quick to approve three locations to be completed immediately.
“The herculean task of completing the three ranges by December 31 was handed over to the president and secretary of the NSSF,” the statement further said.
The three ranges have been earmarked to be built in Colombo, Gampaha and Angunakolapelessa according to NSSF secretary, Edirisinghe. Colombo and Gampaha are districts from the Western Province where most school shooters come from and the Angunakolapelessa centre is expected to cover the Southern Province as part of the long-term programme to cover all 25 districts in the country.
Peries went on to express his contentment with the new development as it was the first time after many years a minister had given a firm decision to go ahead without interruption.
“It is a pleasure to work with a minister who believes in action and not long drawn meetings, which seldom had results. I am so happy that these children can now have a venue to train and how shooting would improve their focus in studies and their general discipline,” NSSF president Peries stated.
The programme comes as a positive beginning after NSSF’s proposed fully-fledged first-ever national shooting range failed to materialise on an intended land near the Waters’ Edge Hotel in Battaramulla, even after the Ministry of Sports spent a huge some of money on documentation, assessments and BOQs (Bill of Quantity).
The NSSF even had to set up a makeshift shooting range to facilitate its national shooting teams representing the country at international meets through private funds and on a rented property.
Earlier Peries had set up a much better facility on the rooftop of his office premises in Kohuwela where eight lanes with air condition were available, but due to high maintenance costs, which were mostly met by the NSSF president’s own funds, it was discontinued after almost two years. Peries had always pledged that as a responsible national sports governing body, the NSSF is committed to serve the sport and its athletes, under any circumstances.
The national shooting project had gone through five different Ministers of Sports before NSSF officials met the incumbent, Namal Rajapaksa, who had positive and promising response unlike in the past.
Through the intended programme NSSF will also extend to train school teachers as coaches, who will overlook the training of their students. This will be coordinated with the Ministry of Education and the president and secretary of the NSSF have already had discussions with the Education Ministry chaired by Daya Bandara, the Director of Education and Sports.