Sacred Heart Convent in Galle marks 25 years

A sculpture of Rev. Sr. Mary William, The Founder Principal of Sacred Heart Convent in Galle, was gifted to the school by the student batch of 1994. The sculpture was gifted to commemorate the school’s 25th anniversary. It has been put up at the entrance of the convent. In this picture, former principal Rev. Sr. [...]
Tabs for school children: Changes made to previous regime’s distribution programme
Government schools are to receive 97,000 tabs that were brought down under the previous regime’s tab distribution programme, a senior Education Ministry official said. However, this programme will re-commence with certain changes. Instead of the initial objective to distribute the tabs to Advanced Level (A/L) students, the tabs will be given to students of Grade [...]
Funds not released to exam centres for Personal Protection Equipment
An allocation of Rs. 39 million made to 2646 A/L examination centres around the country, had not been released the Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) said last week. The CTU said the funds were allocated for the purchase of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) that would be used by the invigilators and administrators at the exam centres. [...]
Hotline for Suraksha scheme activated
A hotline has been introduced for students and parents to obtain information about the Suraksha insurance scheme. This hotline will be active schools are closed due to the COVID situation in the country. Accordingly, students and parents could call 011-2787979 during office hours to gain information on issues related to the scheme. A senior Education [...]
Cabinet approval for MoU between Moratuwa University&Finland’s University of Aitio
This week the Cabinet approved a proposal for a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the University of Moratuwa and the University of Aitio in Finland. The purpose of the MoU is for the consolidation of education and research activities between the two higher education institutes. The MOU would bring provisions to initiate co-operation and facilities [...]
Textbooks for next year: Delays due to quarantine curfew
Printing and distribution of school text books, especially in the Gampaha district, has been affected by quarantine curfew said Education Publications Department Commissioner General P.N. Ilapperuma. He said some areas would experience delays in the books being distributed. “The delivery of text books for the Gampaha district was temporarily halted as soon as the curfew [...]
Affordable Pathways for Bachelors, Masters or PhD Studies at one of the World’s Safest Countries; New Zealand

Do cheap qualifications provide quality education? These might be doubts that are lingering in your minds; Though not a name widely heard, GISM is the only Massey University affiliated Education and Research partnerin Sri Lanka that has been granted the opportunity to send students to New Zealand after completing their first or second year of [...]
2020 Quality Indicators of Learning and Teaching – (QILT)
In 2020, and for the 5th year in a row, ECU received the top undergraduate teaching quality ranking of all Public Universities in Australia. QILT results are based on hundreds of thousands of surveys completed by students from the 41 universities across Australia, both public and private. Over 85% of ECU students surveyed rated the [...]
Seven bright years of Devoted Service…

Reverend Sister Patsy Nesamalar of the Congregation of the Reverend Sisters of Charity Jesus and Mary (the Founders of Sacred Heart Convent Galle in 1896) arrived in Galle on the 21st of March 2013, to take over the School as Principal. She was the 8th Principal in succession. The most valuable gift she brought with [...]
A firm foundation opens a world of study opportunities

Students in Sri Lanka who have their O/Levels and a desire to study at a leading Australian university can establish a firm foundation for their education right here in Colombo. UTS Foundation Studies is a highly regarded qualification around the world and is the best preparation for success at an Australian university. It opens the [...]
International University Experience right here in Sri Lanka

NSBM Green University Town (National School of Business Management) is the first of its kind in South Asia which offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in the fields of Business, Computing, and Engineering under the State Ministry of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovation. NSBM has also forged strategic collaborations with leading universities such [...]
Study a Bachelor of Science (Cyber Security) at Australia’s Top Public University for undergraduate teaching quality at the new Campus in Sri Lanka
ECU Sri Lanka – Bringing World Ready Home Edith Cowan University’s Sri Lanka Campus represents the future of university education in this country: local, accessible and integrated with the cyber security and broader computer science industry, delivering an ideal learning environment and access to world-class learning experiences and teaching quality. Internationally recognised courses are created [...]
Sanitize Your Mind

“Sanitizing” has undeniably become the buzz word of the present day, as it has become the most relevant and crucial aspect, in a very volatile health situation all across the world. Life has never been this alarming during the recent past. The prevailing perilous pestilence has created chaos in our day to day lives. The [...]
Study Abroad with Trinity International

Studying Abroad provides students an experience of a lifetime, which will definitely be a major turning point in their lives. It is an excellent opportunity for students who are not afraid of challenges and who are willing to escape from their comfort zones and experience distinct cultures, values and return home with an Internationally recognised [...]
The 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Sri Lanka resulted in 50, 000 deaths: Any Lessons 100 years later?
Recently there have been a few references in the media about the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in Sri Lanka and among demographers there has been little agreement on the mortality figures. One of the leading studies was published in 1992 by C.M. Langford and P. Story of the Department of Population Studies of the London School [...]
UK universities and colleges launch new pathways for international students to move forward
The UK’s new student route and child student route will open tomorrow for the best and brightest international students from across the globe. “These are great opportunities for Sri Lankan students who wish to study in the UK. With four of the world’s top ten universities present in the UK and over 150 other universities [...]
Fundraising project in North Western Province schools raises concerns
A fund raising project for the North Western Provincial Education Development Fund has recommenced. The Ceylon Principals’ Union said the funds will be raised by selling CR and exercise books at concessionary prices to schools within the province. Former North Western Province Governor Peshala Jayarathna had initiated this programme for the welfare of the school children [...]
Eastern University Commerce and Management Faculty Annual Research Session held recently
The Eastern University Commerce and Management Faculty’s Annual Research Session for this year, (ARSFCM – 2020) was held recently. The theme for the event was ‘Sharing Business Knowledge for Community Well-being.’ The event provided a platform for researchers, academics, business people and research scholars to share their knowledge and professionalism and make a shift in [...]
The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon to offer a Bachelor of Science Honors (BSc Hons) degree in Chemical Science
In a demanding world, our lives are challenged with the versatility of activities we have to engage in. As a result, we are prone to forget the role that chemistry plays in our lives. Chemistry is the study of matter, and it has played a significant role in many scientific advancements that we speak of [...]
BCI Campus offers ‘BRIDGE’: University Preparation Programme
BCI campus, Negombo recently launched BRIDGE; a university preparation programme developed in line with the curriculum of the pre-university bridging programme recommended by the Ministry of Higher Education for prospective IT and Management undergraduates of non-state universities. Applications are now being accepted for the programme from prospective students who wish to develop essential skills in [...]
SLIM conducts the first training session on ‘Entrepreneurship Society’ for Provincial and Zonal Directors of Education

The National Body for Marketing in Sri Lanka, SLIM, conducted its first teacher training programme for the Provincial and Zonal Directors of Education on 24th September at the SLIM Business School. The training session was followed by a press conference to launch the website of the Entrepreneurship Society. The successful first training programme [...]
Rotary helped eradicate Polio, will do the same on Covid-19

The World Health Organisation together with Rotary International has battled polio for almost thirty years to make the world free of polio and as at today and has achieved a success rate of 99%. There are three countries yet to achieve this task namely Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria said the Governor Rotary Sri Lanka & [...]
SLMUN: The 13th session concludes
Sri Lanka Model United Nations (SLMUN) 2020, Asia’s largest student-run simulation of the UN, was held over the 12th and 13th of September with its own distinctive twist, under the theme ‘A world of conflict’. With over 500 delegates taking part, the conference was conducted virtually via Microsoft Teams. The Opening Ceremony took place at [...]
SLIM together with Mother Sri Lanka resumes ‘Gamata Marketing’ training

Gamata Marketing, an initiative commenced by the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) in partnership with Mother Sri Lanka, resumed its training in September at the Mahara Divisional Secretariat Office and Kaduwela Divisional Secretariat Office. The trainings commenced post-Covid-19 to uplift and support micro, small and medium entrepreneurs. The successful sessions witnessed the participation of [...]
SLIIT honours Academic Excellence with Convocation Ceremony

Sri Lanka’s premier higher education institute, SLIITcelebrates the determination and success of its graduands at its September 2020 Convocation held at the SLIIT Campus Malabe recently. Organised over three sessions, students who had successfully completed their Bachelor’s, Master’s degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas were awarded their certificates.The best performers among the students were also recognised during [...]
IIHS promotes Sustainable Living through “Giving Back to Nature” Concept

International Institute of Health Science (IIHS), Sri Lanka’s premier and leading healthcare education institute renowned for the high-quality education in Sri Lanka has stepped up to promote sustainable living through a novel concept of “Giving back to Nature” by planting native plants to protect and promote the growth of nature. Having understood the repercussions of [...]
Completed you’re A/L exam?
Join CA Sri Lanka’s internationally reputed BSc. Degree in Applied Accounting and be a sought-after finance professional Students who wish to pursue a successful career in accounting and finance can now register for the internationally reputed Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Accounting offered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka), a [...]
Only University Transfer Programme with Degree Assurance to USA and Europe

AIC Campus offers Sri Lanka’s only 100% Degree Assured University Transfer Program that Safeguards You from Visa Rejection and Transfer Credit Issues ASK FOR DEGREE ASSURANCE – CONTACT AIC CAMPUS AIC Campus offers a unique facility for the first time in Sri Lanka. Since many students and parents have been misled with false promises of [...]
Seminar on Food Quality and Safety in Food Industry

It is paramount that the humans receive proper nourishment through the foods. However, in the process of obtaining such food, we need to make sure that the food is nutritious, safe to consume, and retains a certain standard of quality. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) over 200 diseases are caused by eating food [...]
Bristol Institute delivers the highest ranked UK MBA offered in Sri Lanka
Throughout its two years of educating Sri Lanka’s professional community and aspiring high achievers, Bristol Institute of Business Management has maintained the standards, discipline and commitment to quality of its partner university, the University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE Bristol). Highly acclaimed in the UK and around the world, UWE Bristol was recently [...]
Horizon Campus produces excellent pass rates for the LLB offered by University of London

Horizon Campus has yet again produced exceptional results for the Bachelor of Laws(LL.B) and Certificate of Higher Education in Common Law(Cert.HE) offered through the University of London. The students who sat the examinations on the LLB and Cert.HE programmes have excellent results, where the overall pass rate is over 80% across the 3 years of [...]