Reverend Sister Patsy Nesamalar of the Congregation   of the Reverend Sisters of Charity Jesus and Mary (the Founders of Sacred Heart Convent Galle in 1896) arrived in Galle on the 21st of March 2013, to take over the School as Principal. She was the 8th Principal in succession. The most valuable gift she brought with [...]


Seven bright years of Devoted Service…


Rev.Sr.P. Patsy Nesamalar

Reverend Sister Patsy Nesamalar of the Congregation   of the Reverend Sisters of Charity Jesus and Mary (the Founders of Sacred Heart Convent Galle in 1896) arrived in Galle on the 21st of March 2013, to take over the School as Principal. She was the 8th Principal in succession. The most valuable gift she brought with her was “Peace”.

Her pleasant smile, excellent personality and friendly way of accepting people brightened the school’s atmosphere spiritually.

Everybody realised about her deep devotion to ‘Duty’ and deeper devotion to ‘Service’ and above all her ‘Sincere Compassion’ towards all the people she worked with and the children under her care.

These qualities in her made her automatically walk in the footsteps of the Pioneers; maintain the traditions and raise the standard of Sacred Heart Convent to its Pristine Glory.

During her early days as Principal, Sister Patsy saw to the repairs of the Primary School which was half done, negotiated with the people concerned and completed the second half. A section was allotted to the Differently Abled Children. The extent of Sister Patsy’s concern for the safety of the small children was evident when the Play Area was covered with rubber tiles, so that the children may not be hurt if and when they fall.

She successfully sought assistance of all concerned and attended to the repairs of the main building. The school was made secured with higher outer walls.  The canteen too got a new look and was made a healthy, pleasant place for the children. Even the smaller children got a Tiffin room outside the old hall. The Biology laboratory repairs also commenced during her days.

During the past two years Sister Patsy did focus her attention on granting a three storied building for the Bio Science and Aesthetics Sections of the School. Her wish was to have it completed as soon as possible.

Every Thursday was made a day to speak compulsorily in English and this was titled “Speak to me in English” with a special badge worn by all.  This definitely improved the language skills of all as it encouraged them to carry out conversations in English without fear.

Sacred Heart Convent continued to produce good results no doubt due to Sister Patsy`s hard work, skills in administration, loving guidance to the pupils and of course her good luck.  Many students brought glory to the school during her years mainly for their academic accomplishments. The colourful concerts titled “Shalip” and Lhalip (Senior Heartians/Little Heartians Lively Performance for upper and primary school) was held every other year to improve performance abilities of children. She encouraged the children to participate in Sports.

She encouraged the Past Pupils` Association and School Development Council to cater to the needs of the students providing them with financial assistance to participate in events Locally and Internationally, as they have brought Honour to the School and  Country.

Sister Patsy seeing the difficulties of students in travelling for their extra activities, suggested to the PPA and the SDC to have a vehicle for the School and with all the support we were able to have a bus for the School.

Sister Patsy was a Principal talented in many ways. She could sing, act, recite, write, design, and was a splendid organizer. As a result she got herself involved in almost all the extra-curricular activities in the School. During the Inter-House English Day Competitions very often she was found in the School Hall practicing plays with the children.

Sister was also noted for her melodious and most appropriate prayers.  She had a remarkable ability to make subtle speeches to suit the occasion with a gentle touch of firmness.

Within these seven years the School has been a hive of activity. Children of the upper School have been enjoying themselves in various Clubs, such as Environment, Positive Thinking, IT, Media Club, Drama, Girls up, to name a few, all supervised by teachers. Sister Patsy was a very Democratic Principal who positively influenced the Students` Council with her guidance to carryout their programmes.

School events that were organized in this manner were very often than not, a great success.  She in that manner also inculcated leadership qualities in the students.

She inspired in the formation of Junior Committee as a supportive body to the very obliging Senior Branch. Sr. Patsy successfully guided the Junior PPA for their fund raiser “Hearmuda” which was able collect funds for the interior construction of the Biology Laboratory.

The Senior PPA was able to conduct many successful events like Sing along programmes, Raffle Draws etc. under the guidance of Sr. Patsy.  The 120th Anniversary of the school was celebrated in the year 2016.  Along with many events, the Heartian Walk organized by the PPA with the leadership of Sr. Patsy added colour to the celebration events.  The PPA was able to move into their own building during her prosperous tenure, filled with her blessings.

According to the advice from Sr. Patsy the primary play area and garage for the bus was built through funds collected through the PPA.

Sister Patsy was a very straight forward Principal. Under no circumstances would  she deviate from standing for what was right. Being correct and precise in all her dealings she was open and she despised dishonesty.

Sacred Heart Convent is a multi-racial, religious, lingual school and Sister Patsy did not differentiate children. Children were treated all alike, dressed alike, having the same opportunities, and united by the School Motto “One in Heart and Soul”.

With this feeling of oneness everybody in school was relaxed and happy, free from inferiority or superiority complexes and any kind of racial or religious prejudices. Sacred Heart Convent Galle as it stands today is a monument of Harmony in Diversity and can be upheld as an example to the world of today.

Sister Patsy’s work has been greatly appreciated by higher officials from the Department of Education, at all times. The school has been praised for its excellent Discipline not only within the school but also on the playground and outside.

Sister Patsy`s Silver Jubilee as a Sister of Charity Jesus and Mary by Profession, was celebrated on the 24th June 2014 in the Centenary Hall with the participation of everybody concerned with the school. A number of Reverend Fathers, Sisters, and members of her family graced the occasion. It was indeed a touching ceremony.

We feel sad to part with this extraordinary charming Principal Reverend Sister Patsy Nesamalar, as she retired from school at the age of sixty in 2020.

May her work and all the ideals she stood for when she was Principal of Sacred Heart Convent Galle, be the stronghold of those who succeed her in the years to come.


Miss Elizabeth Senanayake
on behalf of
the Past Pupils` Association

Sacred Heart Convent



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