SLIM launches South Asian Journal of Marketing
SLIM launches South Asian Journal of Marketing
The National Body for Marketing in Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) recently launched the “South Asian Journal of Marketing” (SAJM), which is a peer-reviewed open-access journal.
The bi-annual journal,issued in July and December was introduced in collaboration with Emerald Publishing, which is also the first ever Sri Lankan academic partnership with Emerald Publishing.
The ceremonial launch was held at Hilton Colombo Residences where Professor G. L. Peiris, Minister of Education, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Moreover, Tony Roche, Publishing & Strategic Relationships Director, Emerald Publishingand Senior Professor Sampath Amaratunga, Chairman, University Grants Commission (UGC) attended the event as the guest of honour and the special guest respectively. The journal was launched at the 50thanniversary celebration of the institute as SLIM believes that it is their duty to produce and disseminate research knowledge, that has an impact on the marketing fraternity.
Sharing his thoughts at the launch, Professor G. L. Peiris stated, “Celebrating a legendary journey of 50 years in enriching the local marketing fraternity is undoubtedly a landmark achievement. Working in tandem with Emerald Publishing, one of the most prestigious publishing houses in the world, to introduce this journal is exemplary. As the Minister of Education, I would like to extend my unstinted and fullest cooperation to the future endeavours of SLIM”.
While congratulating SLIM on its 50th anniversary, Senior Professor Sampath Amaratunga said that joining hands with SLIM was a great pleasure as this is a first of its kind initiative in Sri Lanka. He further added that SAJM imparts knowledge and new trends related to the field of marketing through multiple opinions, research-based articles and debates.
The editorial team of SAJM comprises an eminent panel of researchers representing various South Asian countries. Dr.N. Jayantha Dewasiri heads the journal as Editor-in-Chief with Dr. ThiliniChathurika Gamage (Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka), Assistant Professor Kashif Saeed (GIFT University, Pakistan), Associate Professor Dr. Sudhir Rana (FIIB India) and Dr.G Dinesh Samarasinghe (University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka) assisting as Editors of the journal. Mr.Zubair Ahmed, Associate Professor, Dr. Nazmul Hossain, Dr.ThesaraJayawardane, Dr.Samantha Ratnayake, Dr.MadukaUdunuwara, Assistant Professor Dr. Aarti Saini, Assistant Professor RosheeLamichhane and Dr. AlkaRathore are working on the editorial board as Associate Editors representing Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal and Bhutan respectively.
The Faculty of Management Studies of the Sabargamuwa University of Sri Lanka wasappointed as the academic partner of the journal and the faculty will be managing the journal.SAJM is a dynamic forum to publish valuable insights and innovative knowledge in the field of marketing management as it is a vast discipline of study. The journal covers a wide spectrum of study in the areas of Marketing Management, Marketing Theory, Consumption & Consumer Practice, Marketing & Society, Service Marketing, and B to B Network Marketing.

Signing the MOU between SLIM and Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka for the academic partnership for SAJM
The purpose of journals in academia is greater than merely being a source of information and a permanent record. Today, journals have become deeply embedded in academic infrastructure, enabling the contributors to share their exclusive knowledge with the fraternity.
The innovations and research papers published in SAJM will not only improve the knowledge of marketing researchers and students of academia but also a wide scope of international readership in and outside the region to sharpen their knowledge on research-based advancements in the field.
The launch was followed by an insightful panel discussion on the topic ‘The Role of Research in Developing a Knowledge Economy’. The panel comprisedof eminent researchers in South Asia, local politicians, heads of governmental authorities, and corporates as well as representatives of Emerald Publishing; Senior ProfessorUdith K. Jayasinghe, Vice Chancellor, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka; Professor AthulaGnanapala, Acting Vice ChancellorSabaragamuwa University Sri Lanka; Professor NalinAbeysekera, Open University of Sri Lanka; Tony Roche, Publishing & Strategic Relationships Director, Emerald Publishing, Professor Muhammad Kashif, GIFT University, Pakistan/Ambassador, Emerald Publishing and SupunWeerasinghe, Group Chief Executive Officer, Dialog Axiata PLC.The forum was moderated by Professor Arosha S. Adikaram,Faculty of Human Resource Management, University of Colombo, enlightening the audience with valuable insights while shedding light on timely as well as vital topics.
As the leading marketing body of Sri Lanka, SLIM has a national responsibility of producing exceptional marketing professionals to steer Sri Lanka towards economic prosperity. Research is one of the key pillars of the five-year strategic plan of SLIM, which focuses on creating a knowledge economy to propel the growth engine of the country. In celebration of the institute’s golden jubilee, SLIM wishes to further strengthen its research arm and disseminate a wealth of both industry and academic knowledge, to its diverse stakeholders.

Senior Prof. Sampath Amarathunga- Chairman, The University Grants Commission (UGC)
Apart from SAJM, ICMM as well as the research scholar programme are some of the prominent research projects organised and executed by SLIM. In line with the mission of establishing marketing as the driving force to enhance the business and national value of the economy, SLIM always strives to add value to the local marketing fraternity.
Commenting on the launch, Roshan Fernando, President, SLIM said, “Creating a knowledge economy is one of the key pillars of the Restart Sri Lanka initiative. We are pleased to join hands with Emerald Publishing and introduce this journal to Sri Lanka in commemoration of SLIM’s golden jubilee.”
Sharing his thoughts, SanathSenanayake, Chief Executive Officer/ Executive Director, SLIM stated, “Launching SAJM indeed is a milestone in the 50-year journey of SLIM as this is the first time in history Emerald Publishing has partnered with a Sri Lankan institute to sponsor and manage an academic journal. Undoubtedly, SAJM is one of the first of its kind initiatives taken to disseminate industry and academic knowledge in the country.”
“It’s truly an honor to share my expertise with SLIM in introducing the institute’s first ever academic journal as SLIM celebrates its half-decade journey. SAJM is driven by the impetus of providing a forum for industry scholars to publish authoritative and well-researched articles in marketing-related areas and issues. SAJM is sure to be one of the most sought after academic journals of international repute”, said Dr. Jayantha Dewasiri, Editor-in-Chief, SAJM.
SAJM features an open-access format that ensures enhanced visibility and global exposure. The journal can be easily accessed through: .
SLIM is the National body for Marketing in Sri Lanka and has been promoting marketing excellence and elevating the status of marketing since 1970. It is a member of the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL), Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka (OPA), and Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL). SLIM also has received ISO 9001:2015 certification in recognition of its superior quality management system and ISO 2990:2010 for Learning Service Provider (LSP), providing non-formal education and training services.
