UN warns of an impending famine with millions in danger of starvation

UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – The numbers are staggering— as reflected in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which has triggered a new round of food shortages, famine and starvation. According to the Rome-based World Food Programme (WFP), 690 million people do not have enough to eat, while130 million additional people risk being pushed to the brink of [...]
Decent work for fishers: Towards ratifying the ILO work in fishing convention 188
The hazardous environment, in which fishing is carried out, and the uniqueness of the labour process in fishing lead to a host of crucial and largely neglected labour issues that impinge on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as declared by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Since 1990s, there have been significant changes in [...]
Senior police officer victimised for fault of being too good!

To make my points clear, I would first explain in brief the working of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of which I have been privy to, having had a stint there. The CID only investigates complaints referred to it by the Inspector General of Police (IGP). Progress of the investigation is referred back to the [...]
Biden’s modest multilateralism
CAMBRIDGE – Like the Joni Mitchell song puts it, “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.” For example, classroom education was often deemed boring by students and obsolete by tech visionaries. Then, COVID-19 made it difficult or impossible to meet in person. Now we yearn for in-class experiences. Perhaps the same is true [...]