Curtin University Breaks New Ground in Engineering Education
Universityannouncesyet another groundbreaking initiative, by introducing a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechatronics Engineering degree.
Acclaimed as the highest world ranking University Degree programme that can be completed entirely in Sri Lanka at SLIIT Campus. Students may now complete this prestigious 100% Australian degree programme in SLIIT Sri Lanka or transfer to Bently WA Australia after the completion of one or two years of study at SLIIT International. It also, recognized among the Top 200 Universities in the World –a degree from the world’s top 1% ranked University will give an edge in employment opportunities worldwide.

SLIIT State of the Art Mechatronics Laboratories
SLIIT is the only Australian University Engineering Degree programmes provider in Sri Lanka that is accredited by Engineers Australia. As a Curtin Engineering graduate completing the Degree at SLIIT in Sri Lanka, students will be eligible to apply for an Australian Temporary skilled migration work permit visa for 18 months which gives opportunity for Permanent Resident (PR) visa application eligibility to live and work in Australia.
Moreover, Curtin University is ranked within the top one per cent of universities globallyaccording to the highly reputable Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2020.
Students pursuing the Curtin University Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechatronics Engineering at SLIIT International will gaincomprehensivetheoretical knowledge in the key disciplines of mechanics, electronics, and computer systems. The students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and develop practical skills through a series of projects in areas such as robotics, automation, industrial automation, and machine control.Further, the students will receive three months of industrial training facilitated by SLIIT.
Mechatronics plays a key role in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), an area which is gaining new ground worldwide. Rapid advances in automation applications such as self-driving cars are propelling the demand for mechatronic engineers for their expertise in mechanical, electronics and computer systems engineering; accordingly, graduates ofmechatronics engineeringwill have employment opportunities in a wide range of industries.
Apart from Mechatronics Engineering, the Curtin University Engineering Degree programmes on offer at SLIIT International include Civil and Construction Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil and Construction Engineering is fully accredited by Engineers Australia and opens up a wide range of career options allowing graduates to solve fundamental global challenges as an engineer; the graduates may work in projectsrelated to railways, water supply, wastewater treatment, tunnels and underground construction, power, offshore structures, commercial and industrial buildings, etc.
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineeringis gaining special significance as the role of electronic communication and embedded systems (Internet of Things or IoT) becomecrucial in the rapidly progressing information society.The triple challenge of climate change, security of energy supplies, and affordability further increasesthe demand for electrical and electronic engineers.
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical Engineering is designed to meet the global demand for Mechanical Engineers who assistthe society to harness the energy and forces that exist in nature. The graduates of the programme, possessing the knowledge, skills, and adaptability to be successful in the workplace,will be sought after locally and internationallyacross a range of engineering enterprises.
All the degree programme sare offered full-time over a duration of four years. SLIIT International welcomes prospective students to join the programs; registrations are now open for the 2020/21 ntake. Email or call +94 76 555 89 89 for further information.

SLIIT State of the Art Mechatronics Laboratories