Students of other Central Province schools allowed to attend Schools nearest to their homes
Central Province Governor on inspection tour: Central Province Governor Lalith U.Gamage speaks to students at Menikdiwela Madya Maha Vidyalaya. Students from nearby schools have been invited to attend the Vidyalaya for lessons, so they could continue with their educational activities despite the COVID-19 situation. Several schools in the Province are still closed due to the risk of COVID-19 in certain areas. Pic by L.B. Senaratne
A solution has been found in the Central Province for students who are unable to attend schools which are shut due to the COVID-19 threat. Accordingly these students can attend the school nearest to their homes as a temporary measure.
Parents of such children requested the Principal of Menikdiwela MadyaMahaVidyalayato allow their children to attend the school, and the request had been forwarded to Central Province Governor Lalith U.Gamage. The Governor had discussed the issue with Central Province education authorities, and had approved and implemented the request.
The Governor recently paid a visit to Menikdiwela MadyaMahaVidyalayato ascertain the situation. He found that this strategy was fruitful, after students from other schools in the area began attending Menikidiwela Maha Vidyalaya. He noted that there seemed to be cordial relationship among the students.
The Governor said, other solutions should be found to overcome the pandemic situation and suggestions for the implementation “daily trends” during this pandemic situation should be brought forward.
With the success of this scheme Governor Gamage said he would like to see this action plan introduced to other schools in the Province, while taking care of the students’ safety.
The Governor visited Menikdiwela MadyaMahaVidyalayain the company of Province Chief Secretary Gamini Rajaratne, Governor’s Secretary Anton Tillkekeratne, Education Ministry Secretary Nandana Galaboda and Media Secretary Maheswara Kirinidgoda. Photographs showthe Governor in conversation with students.
- L. B. Senaratne