A new building for J’pura University

The University of Sri Jayewardenepura Engineering Faculty will receive a new building to expand their academic activities. The cutting of the first soil sod to mark the beginning of the construction took place on Thursday. Education Minister G.L. Peiris, University Grants Commission Chairman Sampath Amaratunga and University of Sri Jayewardenepura Vice-Chancellor Sudantha Liyanage were among [...]
Tuition classes still not given the green light by the Health Ministry
More than 500,000 tuition teachers around the country have been hit by the Government’s decision to not allow the conducting of tuition classes, the All Island Professional Lecturers Association said recently. “We are not requesting permission to conduct mass classes, but group classes with a maximum of ten students,” said All Island Professional Lecturers Association [...]
School teachers object to monitoring of online classes
The Western Province Education Ministry’s recent letter to schools about online teaching conducted by school teachers, has come under much fire from several teachers. The letter said online classes will be monitored by schools principals and the ISA (In-service Advisors) of schools. The Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) said teachers conduct online classes via Zoom, Microsoft [...]
Teacher in hot water due to Facebook post; CTU takes up defence
Last week, the Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) took up the case of a teacher who received a show cause letter from the Sri Jayawardenapura Zonal Office Director after posting a comment on the social media. The teacher from Buwanekaba Vidyalaya in Sri Jayawardenapura had commented on the difficulties she had encountered at the Zonal Office [...]
Overcrowded classrooms: Student admissions conducted against 2016 Supreme Court directive
Contrary to a Supreme Court ruling admission to midlevel classes have taken place in 2019, the latest Auditor General report revealed. The Auditor General’s Report of 2019 released last week said, over 16,042 students have been admitted to midlevel grades in public schools in the last three years. Accordingly it was revealed that 6337 students [...]
Theme for 2021 – When the going gets tough, the tough gets going…

2021 is going to be tough but the right culture will keep you going… Business leaders today are tested for real talent in keeping their organizations going as the external environment is getting tougher by the day. Challenges have been brought into the business from the outside environment of which most are inevitable under current [...]
The privilege of being a “Heartian”: Sacred Heart Convent, Galle turns 125

It has been nearly 50 years since I concluded my school career at the Sacred Heart Convent (SHC), except for the last two years which were at St. Aloysius College next door. But I consider the Sacred Heart Convent in Galle my alma mater. As the school marks its 125th year this is my felicitation [...]
Education authorities should provide online facilities for low income students
Online education is still being conducted in government schools due to COVID 19, but there are insufficient facilities in some rural schools. The media had reported that many students living far away from Colombo face difficulties in internet connectivity in their areas. Some students had to climb up to higher places such as tall trees [...]
Bammanna Al-Qamar Central College scholarship students pass with flying colours

Two students of the Bammanna Al-Qamar Central College have passed the grade five scholarship examination in the Tamil medium. A total of 31 students from Bammanna Al-Qamar Central College sat for the exam in 2020. The cut off marks last year, for the Tamil medium scholarship exam students in the Kurunegala District, was 162. Students [...]
SLT recognizes Gateway College as an EdTech Specialist School

Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) signed a landmark agreement with the Gateway College network to work alongside the group of schools using them as model schools in the use of technology in education. Under the new agreement, SLT has recognised the Gateway Colleges as EdTech Specialist Schools. As the exclusive internet service provider and the distributor [...]
Gateway College prepares for the new Hybrid model with Interactive Displays in Classrooms

With the adoption of the new Hybrid system, Gateway will move to a new mode of teaching and learning, based more on the student centered technology-based approach that has been taking root in the school in the recent past. At the heart of this approach is the latest technology that connects the classroom to the [...]
Gateway Thespians Zoom to New Heights

As the year 2020 concluded, it brought yet another pleasant surprise, for the members of the Drama Clubs of Gateway College Colombo, Gateway College Dehiwala and Gateway College Kandy, despite the difficulties associated with the pandemic that continues to afflict the lives of the global populace. The opportunity to end the year 2020 on a [...]
Wishes for Hope, Peace and Prosperity for 2021

As a new year dawns, one thing we know for certain is that the new normal we adapted to in 2020 will guide us to 2021 as well. While we all hope for a better new year, it is important to reflect on the past year and gather knowledge and skills that will be essential [...]
Is Too Much Not Enough for You?

There are deep and dark pits that can never be filled however much you try. Some people are identical to those deep holes, they will never be satisfied even though they already possess more than they require. You may jump into a conclusion that it is wrong to say “too much is never enough”, as [...]
Do not miss the golden opportunity to become a qualified Laboratory Technician

Diploma in Laboratory Technology (DLT) is the oldest and most renowned programme in Sri Lanka that produces professionally qualified Laboratory Technicians annually. This successful program will be enrolling its 48th batch for the year 2021. Students who have successfully completed this course conducted by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon are currently employed in many well-known [...]
Sri Lanka’s first Virtual Design Festival – SLDF 2021

AOD is Sri Lanka’s pioneering design educator, an influential creative authority and most future ready design dynamic. Over the years it has established itself as the most trusted partner for design led industries locally and internationally through its holistic and unique approach to design education. It is behind some of the most powerful design initiatives [...]
Business Anti-Biotic for Covid-19 – Chapter 5 Maneuvering “Gig Economy” to rebuild the Srilankan Industries

Like the Black Death spreading along the trade-routes the spine of 14th-Century Eurasia, Covid-19 emerged in China and spread extremely quickly along the modern-day Silk Roads: intercontinental flight paths. Global health experts predict that COVID-19 will be like the seasonal flu: it will re-emerge annually in seasons and the virus will evolve sufficiently fast that [...]
Gateways to excel in British exams and professionalism

British Online School, Sri Lanka’s first online learning platform facilitated by British Teachers catering for Cambridge and Edexcel curriculums is ready to help students from Kindergarten to IGCSE levels. A branch of the Spinnaker School of English, one of the leading online education institutes in the United Kingdom, British Online School provides state-of-the-art online courses [...]
Rotary youth launch ‘ Say No to 3rd wave !
The Rotary youth consisting of 13,000 Interact and Rotaractors launched a new Campaign Under the theme ‘ Say No to 3rd Wave’ under the cutting edge Stop the Spread campaign which has so far reached around 1.5 million households namely in the school going and university segments across Sri Lanka said the Chairman of Rotary [...]
SLIM collaborates with VoiceD as Strategic Partner for Professional and Skills Development with Certificate of Direct Sales & Network Marketing

The National body for Marketing in Sri Lanka, SLIM, teamed up with VoiceD Marketing Services, a giant in the Direct Marketing Industry in Sri Lanka to provide in-house training for professional and skills development on sales and marketing, with theCertificate of Direct Sales & Network Marketing for the staff of VoiceD. This alliance between the [...]
Prestigious IVY Young Entrepreneur certificate programme now in Sri Lanka

The Academics Group, Sri Lanka’s first cross-sector education think tank, has collaborated with IvyPlus Network – a professional network of alumni from Ivy League and other leading universities worldwide – to launch IVY Young Entrepreneur (IYE), designed for those aged 17 to 23. IYE is a 2-week online programme designed to tap into participants’ natural potential and craft [...]
World Class Overseas Medical Education through IMC Education

IMC Education (http://www.imcedu.com/) Sri Lanka’s undisputed leader in Overseas Medical student Placements to world’s leading Medical Universities across Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia is inviting applicants to apply for the MBBS/MD programs offered at its partner universities for 2021 intake. IMC Education has partnered with a consortium of universities across Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe and [...]
ANC Alumnus Changing Lives by helping Children Overcome Mental Health problems at a young age

Gimhani Thaveesha Gunawardena is an accomplished Psychologist and the founder of ‘The Miracle Mind’ Center for Counseling & Psychological Services. She is a proud alumnus of ANC Education and completed her Bachelor’s of Science Degree from Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA and her Msc. in Clinical & Health Psychology from University of West [...]