Dalada Maligawa’s restricted areas opened to worshippers

Wearing facemasks and maintaining physical distance, worshippers are seen entering the Sri Dalada Maligawa
Some of the restricted sections of the Dalada Maligawa are now open for worshippers after they remained closed as part of measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Maligawa was declared out of bounds for the public with the outbreak of the second wave of the pandemic. Some of the restrictions were later relaxed, with worshippers being allowed only to the upper floor. They were barred from going to the entrance of the inner shrine room. But they were allowed to worship the relics from the upper floor overlooking the shrine room.
With the restrictions now lifted, on the instructions of the Asgiriya Chapter Mahanayke, the Ven. Panditha Warakagoda Gnanaratne Thera, worshippers could now go up to the entrance of the inner shrine room, provided they adhere to the health guidelines. But they will not be allowed to place their offerings, Kiri Aharaya, for instance, in the shrine room. They can, however, hand over the offerings to the monks to be placed inside the shrine room.
On January 1, a large number of worshippers visited the Maligawa, but no foreign visitors were seen.
Diyawadana Nilame Pradeep Nilanga Dela said worshippers and visitors should wear facemasks, wash their hands, enter their name, national identity card number and address in the book kept for the purpose before they entered the Maligawa through the only entrance in front of the Queen’s Hotel. He said the Malgawa’s other restricted areas would be opened for public, once clearance is given by the health authorities.
Worshippers are advised to leave the Maligawa no sooner they perform their rites