Maintaining work, social and family life in the work-from-home new normal lifestyle
Today the world, our nation and we as individuals are facing a crisis like never seen in human history, most or all of us have been taken by surprise and our very foundations have been shaken, challenging almost all human theories and practices.
The world we live in has gone through several changes, Socially, Economically and Environmentally. Beginning from Agricultural, Handicraft Economies to the Industrial age followed by Machines to the present Super Computing and Artificial Intelligence age with all the advancements and achievements in Medical Science, Space Technology, Nano Technology, Nuclear Science, Communication Technology, Big Data, IQ, EQ, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and many more, the present pandemic has brought the world to its knees.

File picture of tourists at the airport after it opened on January 21.
With all the Super Powers, United Nations, NATO, SAARC, Big Tech, Economic Power Houses, the KPMG’s, PWC’s, Bloomberg’s, Nasdaq, Media, Economic Advisors and Consultants, the Guru’s, NASA, Intelligence Services, Witch Doctors, Sooth Sayers, and Horoscope Readers, all put together with all their predictions and planning, have failed in preparing for the present situation and our world is struggling to get back on its feet.
As we are caught in this unprecedented storm, Governments around the world have sought various measures from Lockdowns, Wearing of Masks, Covering of the Face, Social Distancing, Washing of Hands, Sanitization, Various Herbal Remedies, Curfews, Isolations and the use of technology have not been able to prevent the spread of the virus. Many have been paralyzed with terror and fear, and the nations seem to be struggling in its blindness not knowing what’s next.
We have seen Schools, Airlines, Hotels, Places of Worship, Places of Gatherings, Super Markets, Hotels, Restaurants, Eating Houses and most businesses shut down or partially closed, resulting in many losing jobs, pay cuts, loss of income and gradually bringing the economy to a halt, whilst the effects of loss or reduction of income has disrupted lives of individuals as well as families. Further the situation has caused social issues amongst communities and families due to the prevention of gatherings and social interaction.
The pressing situation to isolate and keep social distancing has made us learn remotely using technology, such as remote learning. It also has made businesses and companies to work remotely or work from home using on-line tools. It also has caused us to carry out many transactions using digital or on-line services, such as banking, shopping, ordering groceries and food. It has also made us conduct religious activities, meetings and gathering using online tools. This is now called the “New Norm”.
These have caused many social, relational and health problems to mankind, whilst it has enabled us to carry out our activities with no or less travel, saving of running costs, relating to running organisations and companies, educational institutions and schools. Further, it has enabled equal access to educational content to even the remotest parts of the country locally as well as globally, not forgetting the fact that not all are equipped for online learning.
Further, this situation has made the world boundary or borderless, where people are able to connect and conduct meetings and discussions without having to travel physically, whereby saving costs of travel, time as well as costs relating to energy.
Successfully ‘Manage your Career and Family’ in the same space has become challenging for us with the development of the pandemic. When you work from home, how much you are organised, physical boundaries between work and your personal life can feel virtually nonexistent.
Though you cannot completely draw the line between personal and professional with the work from home option, let’s look at work-life balance when you shift to your office home.
It’s important to have a dedicated work space in your home space to stay focused in your work. Also it is important to switch off when work is over. Having a separate area for work makes it easier to mentally move from work mode to home mode
Go home on time
It can be hard to get up and walk away when you no longer worry about getting stuck in traffic. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still have a go home mentality. Decide what time you finish up for the day. When the clock gets there, stop working and leave your workspace.
While working from home eating snacks all day does nothing for your productivity or sense of work-life balance. Its best you do a virtual lunch break with your team so you can connect with each other and get a proper time-out or make your own version of a ‘happy hour’ that involves chatting with friends, relaxing or reading.
Taking breaks helps lower stress levels and improves productivity. Schedule them in your calendar if you find yourself forgetting to take them. Even a quick five minute walk outdoors can help give you a boost of energy and a dose of vitamin D which will boost your immune system.
When the whole office starts working from home, you get cut off from a lot of casual daily interactions. Combat this by talking to your work colleagues a couple of times throughout the day. Have a video coffee break, ask what they did on the weekend, catch up on their family news, reach out and share that joke or just discuss the shows your binge watching. If you normally talk to them about a specific topic, keep it up. These little interactions go a long way to maintain your work-life balance when working from home.
Judge your productivity by your results,
not the hours you put in to work.
Getting dressed helps you feel more productive because it signals to you that you’re in work mode, Get dressed, then when your day is done change into your home casual clothes. It’s important to have that break and change in outfit. Your environment is not changing as much at the moment so it’s important to change your outfits to signal that shift in your day.
It is important to go out for a walk or some outdoor activity as soon as the workday is over. This will help your mentality switch to home mode by getting you focused on a different activity, thereby relaxing your mind. Plan your after work activity.
When you are really geared for it, work from home can be positive for both you and your employer. Increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and reduced cost are some of the ways remote work flexibility can be mutually beneficial.
Finally, we humans have been resilient and have overcome many challenges though many generations and believe that by maintaining a good work-life balance, Physical and Spiritual Exercise will enable us to overcome this crisis.