Scheme to compensate affected workers extended
View(s):The Government has extended a scheme providing relief in the form of part wages to employees of workplace where employers find it difficult to manage their business owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to an announcement by the Commissioner General of Labour, the scheme where employees would be granted a payment of Rs. 14,500 has been extended for the months of January to March 2021. This extension has been approved by
the cabinet.
According to trade union leader Anton Marcus, the garment industry sector, which he represents,
was offered this amount under a scheme which
had four components and introduced in May 2020.
This applied to workers without a salary; workers working on a rotational basis since the authorities asked employers to reduce the number of workers
by 50 per cent to maintain social distancing,
among others.
This scheme was extended in September and October and now for three months this year.