Students protest against admission system

A protest was held near the University Grants Commission (UGC) this week against the marking system which is to be followed for student admissions. the protestors later demonstrated near the Town Hall. The system followed is affecting a section of the students, and some of them have already taken legal action. Pix by Nissanka Meegoda [...]
Smart TVs for schools: Ed. Ministry embarks on new multi-million rupee programme
The Education Ministry is venturing on a multi-million rupee programme to provide smart TVs to national and provincial schools to carry out their educational activities, and follow the previous classes missed due to the COVID situation, a senior education official said. Education Reforms, Open Universities and Distance Learning Promotion Additional Secretary Neil Gunadasa told the Education [...]
School uniform vouchers valid till February 28
The Education Ministry has extended the validity of school uniform vouchers issued last year for grade one students. The Ministry said the vouchers issued for 2020 grade one students would be extended up to February 28 due to the COVID situation in the country. It was learned that most vouchers issued for grade one students [...]
UoK final year arts and social sciences students to sit for exams next week
University examinations for final year students at the University of Kelaniya’s (UoK) faculties of arts and social sciences will begin on Monday (February 1), under COVID-19 health guidelines. The university announced that only students who are sitting for these examinations can report to their respective hostels from 8.00am to 6.00pm today (Jan 31). The university [...]
Education Ministry provides state universities access to commercial patent databases
In most universities abroad, the Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) support commercial exploitation of research outcomes while managing the Intellectual Property (IP) created within the university. Various efforts have been taken by universities in Sri Lanka to transfer the technology and knowledge created within universities for the benefit of society. However there were no central offices in Sri Lankan [...]
UGC project for city universities hijacked
A proposed project by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to set up city universities in areas which do not have state universities has been hijacked by the Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Inventions State Ministry. The move came as the UGC was in the process of implementing the project by making preparations to recruit [...]
Central Province schools in need of equipment given relief through World Bank’s GEM project

Funds from the World Bank, under the General Modernisation Project (GEM) had been utilised to modernise schools in the Central Province, which are badly in need of equipment for students. The World Bank has allocated 9.1 million rupees for this Modernisation Project. In the first phase of the project, schools on the outskirts of Kandy [...]
Talawakele Tamil Maha Vidyalaya marks 42 years

The 42nd anniversary of the Tamil Maha Vidyalaya at Talawakele in the Nuwara Eliya Education zone was celebrated on Friday. The chief guest at the cremony was Zonal Education Director M. Piyadasa. The event was held under the patronage of school principal R. Krishnapillai. Pix by P. Thiru Kethees
World Class Maths results at the British School in Colombo

A world record has been set by the British School in Colombo. Five pupils Arun Sumathiratne, Mustafa Salman, Praveen Athauda-arachchi, Nathan Samuel and Senal Arsecularatne have each achieved an A* in IGCSE Maths at the Cambridge Assessment International Education. This is an amazing achievement for the young mathematicians aged 11 years old. Three of the [...]
Hindu Ladies College student honoured with award at Chennai art exhibition

Kedarini Bhaskara, a student of Colombo Hindu Ladies College, received an award at an art exhibition held at Chennai in Tamil Nadu and brought honor to our country. In the exhibition, artists from the Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra were showcased along with Sri Lankan artist Kedarini. The award [...]
Centenary Academy a political training programme
The Centenary Movement is set to launch the Centenary Academy, a political training programme in line with Sri Lanka’s 73rd Independence Day celebration on February 4 2021. The Centenary Movement is a diverse, progressive, and results-driven movement with a 2048 vision of creating a competent generation of leaders for Sri Lanka that will transform the [...]
“Winning formula during a pandemic”

The Virtual International Research Conference Successfully held by BCAS Campus for the first time! The British College of Applied Studies was established in 1999 and is now popularly known as the BCAS Campus. Over the past 21 years, among the visionary leaders in the private higher educational arena, BCAS successfully progressed into a leading vocational and tertiary education provider [...]
Initiating learning beyond the classroom at Wycherly International School
The Covid – 19 pandemic is having an unprecedented effect on children’s lives, education and health, and its short- and long-term impacts could be devastating if well planned strategies are not adequately implemented now. “Long periods of physical distancing measures and school closures leave children across the globe without adequate access to basic needs including [...]
Calling applications for Russian government scholarships 2021/ 2022

The Russian Centre in Colombo would like to invite citizens of Sri Lanka of all ethnic groups and social levels to apply for Russian government Scholarships 2021/ 2022. What does this scholarship include and does not include, Includes: 4 Tuition, thus education will be provided free of charge$ 4 Special terms for accommodation at campus hostel (payment [...]
Don’t Tickle Your Temptations

A skin ailment can easily be healed, if it is left untouched by the person who has it, even though it might be itchy and uncomfortable. Itching a skin rash delays its healing process as well as it might even recur to its original state or even a worst state due to the aggravation caused [...]
Rotary launch Varna 2021

When Sri Lanka declared a total lockdown in March 2020, many people became virtual prisoners at home, ignorant of the danger posed by Covid-19. Rotary realized that education, jobs in plush offices or possessions were worthless unless the country can be supported said Dr Rohantha Athukorala at the launch of Varna 2021 at Shangrilla Hotel. Varna was the Awareness Programme Art Competition targeting the Western Province students organized by the [...]
Opportunities for Sri Lanka’s aspiring engineers

We live in a highly engineered world. From saving lives with precision medical devices to creating complex constructions, the skills of engineers are essential to our society. In Sri Lanka, this is nothing new. Our country has a flair for innovation and feats of engineering that date back to its spectacular ancient stupas. Today’s engineering [...]
Letter to you from

To whom it may concern, “Whoever dedicates their life to politics knows that earning money is not the top priority” I led 80 million Germans, for 18 years. When I started my career I didn’t know what to expect, since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, I joined the newly founded Democratic Awakening [...]
Fast-Track your entry into Auckland University of Technology (AUT) with the New Zealand Foundation Programme at AIBS
New Zealand is considered as one of the safest destinations that offers globally-recognised qualifications to international students around the world. It has also been praised as one of the countries that has managed to keep the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the deaths to a minimum at the very inception. As a [...]
AOD Class of 2020, graduating in a pivotal moment of time

Throughout the length of 2020 and during the lockdowns that followed the Covid-19 pandemic, AOD was able to seamlessly transform into a virtual campus, taking all its resources and learning experiences to the digital realm, and successfully continuing the operations of its many degrees courses online. This seamless shift became a true display of what [...]
Lankan Educationist at the Arabian sands…a glowing tribute
Among rugged mountain cliffs of Arabia spreads the beautiful land of Oman with a thousand miles of sandy beaches, arguably the most peaceful and most peace loving country in the world, so no wonder my home away from home for almost four decades. I wouldn’t have settled down, raised a family of three children and [...]
Start an American Degree at Nawaloka College

The Nawaloka College of Higher Studies is proud to have partnered with numerous American universities, to help Sri Lankan students achieve their dream of studying in USA. You can now enroll in an American Degree of your choice, through the Nawaloka College. The partner university campuses California State University Monterey Bay, California State University San [...]
An entrepreneurial motivation from our own Sri Lankan ancestors for a better tomorrow

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do” is a world-renowned statement made by Mr. Bill Gates the legendary entrepreneur. The modern world is rapidly changing, and it is unmistakable that entrepreneurship is the driving factor which pushes the world to reach the future through [...]
Physical Classes with Health Measures at Rainbow Institute

Following the stress and challenges of the Covid 19 pandemic and adapting to the new normal, most people need a boost to their lives and career. New avenues and innovative thinking is needed to face the change and go forward in life The Rainbow Institute of Communication and English has successfully launched new programmes for [...]
Launching South Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality

The Faculty of Management Studies of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka recently launched its maiden journal on tourism and hospitality namely ‘South Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality’ (SAJTH). It is a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal with open-access, issued in January and July, was introduced in collaboration with leading academics in Tourism and Hospitality across the [...]
Hype Sri Lanka and its role in Activism, Research and Youth Policy for Education Development

Hype Sri Lanka, is the Country’s first and only Youth Empowerment Incubator. Since its launch in 2020, a team of dedicated volunteers that have steadily been growing by dedicating themselves to the cause of creating a novel development approach of Top-level Youth Empowerment Incubation (YEI) in the national youth development system and to streamline the [...]
SLIIT International at Nawam Mawatha, Colombo Offers Curtin University Full Degrees in Computing and Engineering
SLIIT will make history with the launch of their new ‘SLIIT International Campus’ at Nawam Mawatha, Colombo during the first quarter of 2021. The new state-of-the-art campus sits on a sprawling 42,000 square feet site, whose design and facilities would match those of its international partners. This is a significant step in the Institute’s plans [...]
The 5th RAISE Youth Conference and Quiz Competition to be held on a Virtual Platform
UTO EduConsult is scheduled to host the 5th RAISE Conference on the 10th and 11th of February 2021, in partnership with the British Council, Sri Lanka. Previous conferences have focused on various issues that have impacted our youth, including Drug Abuse, the ills of Social Media, and the adverse impact of Peer Pressure on youth, [...]
8th Sri Lanka Chess Grand Prix 2021 begins

The Chess Federation of Sri Lanka (CFSL) started board Chess after the second wave of COVID-19 January 28 with the 8th Sri Lanka Grand Prix to be started at CFSL Headquarters in Nugegoda. Twelve top Chess players including three national players and national amateur chess champion have been registered to play at this major event. [...]
Study Master of Social Work (Qualifying) at Excelsia College, Sydney
Championing professional leaders for the future! With almost 200 higher education colleges across Australia alone, making the right choice can be an overwhelming and daunting decision. Thankfully, Excelsia College exists to provide quality Higher Education courses to hundreds of domestic and international students from across the globe, including students from Sri Lanka. Having a strong [...]
Seminar on “Everything about tea” conducted by Institute of Chemistry Ceylon

A hot steaming cup of tea on a cold day warms you up, a glass of iced tea on a summerly hot day cools you down. It cheers you up when you are depressed and pacifies you when you are anxious all around. The world is split into various opinions and beliefs of different people [...]
Laboratory comes up with technique to identify wildlife species from DNA
The Molecular Biology Lab at the Government Arts College (GAC) in Udhagamandalam has designed and standardised a DNA amplification technique that will allow researchers to identify the species and sex of tigers and leopards from scat and tissue samples. The results were published in Molecular Biology Reports, a scientific journal recently. The authors of the [...]
OREL Corporation signs strategic partnership with NSBM Green University

OREL one of the most innovative companies in the country who has pioneered and then dominated the lighting industry, recently announced a new partnership with NSBM, one of the country’s leading higher education institutions. The partnership was entered into by the Electronic and Robotic division of the OREL Education division that provides Engineering equipment software and [...]
Teachers Endorse the Internationally Recognised Qualifications Conducted by Prospects Academy
Diploma to Master’s in Teaching, Education and Early Childhood Education Prospects Academy, a leading and well-established higher education institution, which has been in operation for over a decade, offers a wide range of qualifications from Diploma, Bachelor’s, and master’s degree programmes in Education, Early Childhood Education and Teaching. These qualifications are awarded by internationally recognised universities [...]
Horizon Campus appoints new Dean for the Faculty of Education

“With the ongoing pandemic in force, educational platforms such as learning management systems (LMS) and learning content management systems (LCMS) are absolutely key to providing effective educational solutions to students in the current context . However, all of these valuable tools need to be paired with brilliant teaching in order to truly provide high quality [...]
Inauguration programme for The 1st intake for 2021 Certified Level-030

The Inauguration programme for The 1st intake for 2021 CertifiedLevel-030 was held at head office – SLITHM on 20th January 9.30am to 12 noon. The participants were only students as a covid 19 health and safety guideline. The Chief guest was S. Hettiarachchi- Secretary to Ministry of Tourism.
CIMA launches CGMA finance leadership programme

New e-learning and assessment platform provides alternative pathway to completing CIMA Professional Qualification Meets accelerating demand for remote digital self-paced learning driven by the COVID-19 pandemic Colombo, Sri Lanka, 21st January 2021 – Today, CIMA announced the launch of its digital learning platform – the CGMA Finance Leadership Program (CGMA FLP) to students, employers and [...]
ANC Education brings the best of University of West London through world class LLM programme

Applications open for February intake The glory of ANC reverberates across time as one of Sri Lanka’s grandest educational institutes. Known for its affiliation with an assortment of world renown globally recognized top ranked universities, ANC is credited for many success stories that were written due to its guidance of students in the right path [...]
Study Medicine in “Belarus” – March/ September 2021 Intake is now on!

IMC Education is the only Sri Lankan organization to have a fully functional representative office in the Republic of Belarus and particularly in the state of Grodno to offer post settlement services for Sri Lankan Students and to look after their welfare needs for the entire study duration of 6-years. To represent Grodno State Medical [...]
Start Your Future – Experience is Everything

If you are an enthusiastic individual with a passion for either Hospitality, Cookery, Patisserie, Events or Travel and Tourism then studying in either of these fields will open many global and domestic opportunities. William Angliss Institute @ SLIIT, delivers Australian curriculum that is based on practical skills and knowledge whilst delivering in state-of-the-art facilities. In [...]