Playing a pivotal role in the ‘petition in the shoe’

“The petition in the shoe” is a legendary part of the struggle leading to our Independence from the British. Yet few know the full cloak-and-dagger story of this memorandum which disproves the idea that Ceylon got its Independence on a concessionary platter- as a minor repercussion of the British Raj collapsing. Few recall the name [...]
A haven in more ways than one

Seen from the sky, the Lanka Learning Centre (LLC) is a flower with five rectangular petals in white. In the arid scrubland, this flower-shape is an emblem of fertile hope. The five pavilions (which form the five petals) invite the people the centre serves – a people who had lived in a parched land ravaged [...]
Letters to the Editor

13 A: An agreement signed under mental and physical duress I served in the Sri Lanka Air Force for almost 30 years and retired in 1990. I was the Director of Ground Operations from 1980 to 1987. As the title indicates, the security of all Air Force Bases and Stations was under my purview. This [...]

Remembering the ‘friendly father’ behind the great teacher and disciplinarian E. T. Eusiri De Silva January 28, marked the first death anniversary of our beloved dad, E. T. Eusiri De Silva. It is also the birthday of my eldest son, his eldest grandson, who we all thought was his favourite. What has surprised me the [...]
Cooking up a tasty dish with food from growing up days in Galle Fort

As a young child, Fazeera Ismail’s family home in Hulftsdorp was an open house, always brimming with life and with people visiting. Her father was a lawyer; his offices were in front and the family lived at the back. With an open house comes an open kitchen and often, the household would be given short [...]
Top 50 women awards pays tribute to those in the COVID fight

Top industry professionals, leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers from around the country once again gathered together under one roof to celebrate the achievements of women in their respective fields, at the tenth edition of the Top 50 Professional & Career Women Awards Sri Lanka held on January 26 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo. Hosted by Women [...]
Latest gastronomic experience at Cinnamon Grand

The newest addition to the family of restaurants at Cinnamon Grand Colombo is all about celebrating togetherness and ensuring that there is something for everyone at any time. Launched in mid-January, ‘Plates’ is a 24-hour gourmet dining venue offering a wide selection of multi-country, multi-cuisine dishes. With the airport opening up for tourists, it seems [...]
Tribute to the school that nurtured, moulded and shaped them

The Stories of Us– Coffee Table Book from the Ladies’ College Batch of 1983 A Coffee Table book – The Stories of Us was recentlylaunched at Maniumpathy, by the Ladies’ College Batch of 1983. The 55th year of life for these ladies promised to be a momentous occasion as elaborate arrangements were being planned as [...]
The principal who drove a convertible and dissected animals

My links with Chundikuli stretch over several generations of every branch of my family. My immediate family, father, mother, two sisters, and brother, are all ‘old girls’ of Chundikuli; so too at one time all my close kin. Currently, my relatives are scattered in distant locations and find it no longer feasible to enrol their [...]