Tamarind, goraka rapidly become pricey luxuries

Many tamarind trees are being felled
The price of a kilo of tamarind has more than quadrupled in the past four weeks, due to an import ban.
Last week, a kilogram of the leguminous pulp, cost up to Rs 1,700 compared with Rs 423 in the first week of January.
Tamarind imports were banned in early March last year. The Agriculture Department said this was to comply with government policy.
Director General Dr W M W Weerakoon said the ban would promote local production. He said there is enough tamarind for local consumption and that imports are preventing people from using local produce. A lot goes to waste, he said. Trees are being felled and people have lost interest in growing.
Meanwhile, the price of goraka, has shot up. A kilogram that cost about Rs 575 wholesale, now sells for Rs 800.
The Agricultural Export Department (AED) said imports are not banned.
Consumers also complain that the tamarind being sold is tasteless. ‘The pulp is black and dissolves turning our curries black,’’ one housewife complained.
Director General Dr A P Heenkanda said that the colour was due to fungal infection. “It has not been dried properly and hurriedly packed,’’ he said. The AED does not have a programme to educate people on the processing of tamarind. “Our funds are limited to only 18 products and tamarind was not included in the list,’’ he said.