Reaching for the stars

It has been nothing short of a meteoric rise in a largely white male domain for Lankan-born Professor of Astrophysics at University College London, Hiranya Peiris, as she enters the Royal Astronomical Society’s hall of fame Carl Sagan’s Cosmos was a documentary TV series that held the children of the 1980’s in utter thrall- taking [...]
Discovering the mysteries of a monastery in no-man’s land

No archaeological site in Sri Lanka reveals more inscrutable mysteries to a visitor than this one. Reaching Rajagalathenna in the Eastern province itself is a challenge as it is situated in no-man’s land. Ampara is the closest hub, but Rajagala is over an hour’s journey from there. We based ourselves on the coast of Kalkudah [...]
Letters to the Editor

Sustainable reconciliation a must to safeguard the rights of majority as well as minorities Reconciliation in Sri Lanka seems to be at crossroads once again. This is the result of successive governments miserably failing to have a credible reconciliation process since the civil conflict ended in 2009. The Sinhalese majority continues to frown upon all [...]

Her leadership role extended beyond the call of duty Professor Dulitha Nandani Fernando Emeritus Professor Dulitha Nandani Fernando was an outstanding figure in the field of Public Health in Sri Lanka. A graduate of the University of Ceylon, her journey as an academic started in 1970 when she joined the Department of Community Medicine, where [...]
A gift even sweeter than his wine

Wanting to help Sri Lankans in these times of COVID-19, 72-year-old Italian businessman and wine-maker, Renzo Montanari who considers Sri Lanka his second home makes a heartfelt gesture from across the seas Weaned off the ventilator after undergoing surgery for the removal of an esophageal carcinoma at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka (NHSL), on Wednesday, [...]
Standing in silence and recalling a blast from the past
As the clock moved towards 10.50 a.m. on January 31 this year, my mind went back 25 years to that fateful day. It was a Wednesday, and having finished our weekly meeting of the parent Board of Directors of George Steuarts in the boardroom on the 8th floor of Steuart House around 10.30 a.m., we [...]
Back where he belongs, says Director Alliance Française de Kotte

His journey with Alliance Française in Sri Lanka coming full circle, newly appointed Director of Alliance Française de Kotte and Alliance Française in Sri Lanka and Maldives Coordinator, Bruno Duparc tells us how a simple voluntary teacher’s position almost 34 years ago has led to where he is now. “It was my first encounter with [...]
Gratiaen Trust presents “Doubling Ourselves” – an online workshop on translation
The Gratiaen Trust, in association with John Keells Foundation, will hold an online workshop on translation on Saturday, March 6. The workshop is supported by the Department of English of the University of Peradeniya and the Seagull School of Publishing, Kolkotta. ‘Doubling Ourselves’is designed for aspiring and experienced translators of Sinhala and Tamil literature into [...]
Lower Glencairn: Another historic edifice bites the dust

Julia Margaret Cameron’s last word was “beautiful” as she gazed out from her bedroom window in the Lower Glencairn bungalow, according to her son Henry Cameron who was at her bedside. The house, subsequently owned by the Bank of Ceylon, bordering Dickoya town on the Glencairn Estate was demolished last month. Julia Margaret Cameron who [...]
The Kelaniya Perahera

The Kelaniya Perahera was held on January 27, 2021, under strict health guidelines. The Chief Incumbent of the temple, Ven. Prof. Kollupitiya Mahinda Sangarakkhitta is seen handing over the casket containing the sacred relics to Basnayake Nilame Dhammika Attygalle.
RASSL lecture series for 175th anniversary
The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka’s 175th Anniversary Memorial Lecture Series – Lecture No. 4, will be on ‘Navigating the Local and the Global: Paul Pieris and 100 Years Later’ by Dr. Susantha Goonatilake. Dr. Goonatilake, former General President, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science and former President, Royal Asiatic Society of [...]
Share a verse for Valentine’s Day
The British Council is posting a special collection to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year. It’s called ‘Little Love Lines’and if you are feeling romantic or happy or just in love, you can send in a short verse of four little lines, no more, to share the good feeling with everyone. Artists are welcome to send [...]
Prageeth’s Eyes Only at Saskia Fernando Gallery
Gayan Prageeth’s latest exhibition ‘Eyes Only,’ highlights the grip of corruption on politics in post-war Sri Lanka. Prageeth sets his images of destruction against surrealist dreamscapes that lend an eerie disquiet through their contrast of beauty and violence. His use of distinct geometric forms speaks to the factional, divided nature of Sri Lankan politics and [...]