China & Russia throw protective arms around Myanmar

UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – When million-dollar arms sales knock on the door, human rights violations and war crimes fly out of the window. As the United Nations grapples for a reaction to the military coup in Myanmar, both China and Russia, two veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), refused to support a [...]
Towards a people- friendly judiciary

The visions of a Supreme Court (SC) in the eyes of the newly appointed judges are contained in their statements made at their ceremonial sittings. These statements are reported in the Sunday Times of January 24. Their assertions being candid about the fact that the SC is not people friendly as it stands kindle hope [...]
Solar roof performance in Sri Lanka and benefits to society

In the era of solar revolution, solar roofs are mushrooming round the globe. In Sri Lanka also, solar roofs are becoming popular and the aim of this article is to provide data to help Sri Lankans to understand the value of these projects. This in turn will accelerate the take-up of solar roofs in the [...]
Kidney patient seeks your help

U.C. Fernando, father of two children aged 3 and 1, is suffering from kidney failure and has been advised to undergo urgent kidney transplant surgery. According to Ragama Hospital Nephrologist Dr. Dinith Galaboda, Mr. Fernando, a former Civil Defence Force member, requires O Positive kidney from a donor, as both his kidneys have been affected. [...]
A book on the forcible cremation of Muslim corona dead
Veteran journalist Latheef Farook has compiled a book – a collection of articles on the controversy over the Government’s policy of cremating Muslims who die of COVID-19 in defiance of World Health Organisation guidelines and the recommendations of local experts while dismissing religious sentiments of the country’s Muslim community. According to local and international virologists, [...]
After Myanmar’s coup
NEW DELHI – Until recently, the last time Myanmar’s military supervised a general election whose outcome it didn’t like was back in 1990. On that occasion, a military junta refused to recognise the results, arrested the democratically elected leaders of Aung San Suu Kyi’s overwhelmingly victorious National League for Democracy (NLD), and continued to rule [...]