Silent sentinel mired in controversy

A “rare” tree dubbed as ‘critically endangered’ which has stood the test of time like a sentinel close to the Daraluwa Railway Station in Gampaha is mired in controversy as it faces axing or translocation to make way for the Central Expressway Project of the Road Development Authority (RDA). Many people including Gampaha District Forest [...]
Keeping a close eye on extreme weather, rain or sunshine

The One Earth Centre for Climate Change Research and Adaptation established by Dilmah in Nawalapitiya is the first private sector initiative in Sri Lanka to research climate change The bright sunlight streaming into the room through the large window panes shows up only shadows on the video presentation on the screen. A closer look reveals [...]
Letters to the Editor
ECT agreement: Making a bad situation worse It is quite apparent that the Government has made a bad situation worse by their unilateral decision to let go of the tripartite agreement on the East Container Terminal (ECT) with India and Japan. India has already expressed their displeasure in no uncertain terms. That said, the desperate [...]

An eternal interest in medical education Dr Neville’s death took the winds off my sails. It was only on the previous day that I spoke to his wife Mrs Swarnamali Fernando and told her that the doctor has the will to live and would pull out of the Corona infection, but it was not to [...]
Protecting our own ‘castles’ from COVID-19 invasion

COVID-19 has changed the way we live in unprecedented ways. At this time, it is important that we understand our immune system and how it works to protect us. Your immune system The immune system is the mechanism the body has to protect itself. The body is designed like a castle in terms of defences. [...]
Congenital Hypothyroidism: A heel prick in time ensures a life that is fine

Aravinda was frowning when Anupama came out of the bathroom and asked anxiously, “What happened?” “The call came from the hospital,” he said. “Our baby will need a second blood test.” Two days earlier, they had come home from the hospital, with Tharaka, their newborn. Prior to discharge from the hospital, the baby had been [...]
A little known heritage

“It lies all alone, far from the mainland, where nobody would think of finding a reef in the middle of the deep ocean. Throughout history, it has brought grief to many people, as well as to ships that sailed to their final destiny.” The reference is to the Basses Ridge, a long, narrow, submerged reef [...]
Old Benedictines remember their gurus

Paying homage to their teachers, the Old Boys’ Union of St. Benedict’s College have launched ‘Namadimu’ to honour and show gratitude to those who have dedicated more than half of their life to their students. The project includes a life insurance cover, a monthly monetary donation, an annual medical checkup and a counselling clinic amongst [...]
WNPS lecture on avifauna

Dr. Sampath S. Seneviratne will deliver this month’s Wildlife and Nature Protection Society lecture on the subject ‘From Woodies to Plovers: an untold story of our national identity’ on February 18 at 6 p.m. via zoom and FB Live. When it comes to avifauna, the exceptionally high number of endemics – the species found nowhere [...]