Letters to the Editor
View(s):Govt. needs to rethink foreign policy
We have upset our neighbour and most important strategic partner India twice, first by refusing to allow Advani to invest in the Eastern Container Terminal when China is given 85% of the adjoining terminal. Then we did worse by giving China three islands just 85 km away from India.
We upset Japan, our main aid partner by not going ahead with the Light Train project.
We seriously upset UNHCR and the West by saying that the UNHCR was influenced by terrorists.
We upset the USA, our main importer by refusing the MCC grant and IMF conditions. We say we do not want loans, we only want investments.
Are we not behaving like North Korea with one difference: we do not have nuclear weapons.
The Government should rethink our foreign policy and quickly be more acceptable to these critical partners.
Dulan de Silva Via email
Cut down on unnecessary expenditure to help these students
The article in the Sunday Times of February 7 – “70% of Lanka’s students have no access to online study” highlighted the difficulties students are facing today.
As reported most students face difficulty in obtaining good signals in their areas. Some students climb to higher ground such as tall trees and the tops of water tanks risking their lives. Actually poor parents in rural areas cannot afford the high material cost and the other expenses connected with the online studies after spending their meagre earnings for their day to day living expenses.
Though we are fortunate to have free education, the authorities have failed to grant the online facility free of charge or at a reasonable rate for students. The Government should cut down on unnecessary expenditure and look into this issue.
C.D.J. Weerasena Boralesgamuwa
Plea from retired Navy Petty Officer
I am a retired Petty Officer from the Regular Force of the Sri Lanka Navy who having completed 25 years service retired on 01-10-1987.
All three forces were under separate pay structures but in time this was amended to increase the pay and pensions of the service personnel of all three forces.
I am now 85 years old and receive a monthly pension of Rs. 25,136.36. I have no doubt that others of the same rank of the other two forces also receive the same amount.
However, those who joined after us and completed 22 years of service are receiving a pension of nearly 50,000 a month.
I believe the President would be kind enough to help us by increasing our pensions to suit the current cost of living.
M.M. Amarasiri Katubedda, Moratuwa
TV shows and rising crime in society
We had quite a peaceful life about 50 years back. Entertainment was mostly music, stage dramas and good films. It was later that we began to suffer due to conflict. From 1983, the war which lasted for 30 years brought destruction, disharmony, anger and resentment among communities who had lived together peacefully.
People have become restless and insecure and now crime and drug abuse have taken root in society. I find nearly all TV dramas show murder and intrigue among family members which is a bad influence on our younger generation. I only wish we would be a better nation in the future.
Anandi Kulatilleke Via email
Mother Lanka’s hope for 2021
Year 2021 dawned amid uncertainty,
Everyone with glimmers of hopes face changing destiny.
An unseen virus created lockdown, curfew, travel restricted,
Renewed hopes under pandemic’s shadow doubtfully predicted.
The deadliest of enemies, Coronavirus crisis nationwide,
Leaving everyone unable to perform in usual stride.
Everywhere second wave of COVID-19 battering nation,
Neck deep in debt island, facing hard times in frustration.
Twenty Twenty One triumphant, adhered restrictions imposed,
Yearning to rise magnificently to challenges, let’s be composed.
Typical, possible, best gift anti-COVID-19 vaccine for New Year,
Well-being of mankind, only challenge ending pandemic this year.
Every new year heralds new hopes, this year tinged with sadness,
New strain of Coronavirus spreading faster soaking all in restlessness.
To strengthen Democracy, lessons learnt from COVID-19 benefit country,
Year 2021 absolutely, positively shower on humanity prosperity.
Oneness, Togetherness, Selflessness, given pride of place,
To novel beginnings nation awake.
Each person be an instrument of UNITY make all amaze.
Kumari Kumarasinghe Tennakoon Kelaniya